
Cheryl Mei-ting Schmitz

Research Scholar (Sep 2020-Dez 2023)


Cheryl Mei-ting Schmitz received her PhD in Anthropology in 2017 from the University of California, Berkeley. From 2017 to 2019, she was a Global Perspectives on Society Teaching Fellow at New York University Shanghai, and from 2019 to 2020, she was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the East China Normal University Research Institute of Anthropology, with support from the Luce/American Council of Learned Societies China Studies Program.

At the MPIWG, Cheryl was a member of the Lise Meitner Research Group "China in the Global System of Science." Her research project, Chinese Ideas of Africa in an Age of Global Expansion, followed the rapid development of African Studies in China in relation to contemporary geopolitics and shifting values in Chinese social sciences. Her publications on connections between China and the African continent have appeared in American Anthropologist, HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, and the Made in China Journal.


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Chinese Ideas of Africa in an Age of Global Expansion


Observations Series

Selected Publications

Schmitz, Cheryl Mei-ting (2023). “Review of: Bunkenborg, Mikkel, Morten Nielsen, and Morten Axel Pedersen: Collaborative Damage: An Experimental Ethnography of Chinese Globalization. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press 2022.” The Developing…

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Große-Bley, Jelena, Cheryl Mei-ting Schmitz, Fiona Anne Bewley, and Susan Greenhalgh (2023). China’s Nexus of State, Business, and Science: An Interview with Susan Greenhalgh. Observations 11. Berlin: Max Planck Institute for the History of Science…

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Schmitz, Cheryl Mei-ting and Sarah Hanisch (2022). “Interview with Dr. Sarah Hanisch: A Gendered and Generational Approach to Migration and Social Mobility between Lesotho and Fuqing.” Ethnologie Chinas (blog), August 29, 2022. https:/…

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Schmitz, Cheryl Mei-ting (2022). “Review of: Driessen, Miriam: Tales of Hope, Tastes of Bitterness: Chinese Road Builders in Ethiopia. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press 2019.” Cahiers d’études africaines 245–246: 394–397.…

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Schmitz, Cheryl Mei-ting (2014). “Significant Others: Security and Suspicion in Chinese-Angolan Encounters.” Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 43 (1): 41–69.

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Schmitz, Cheryl Mei-ting (2021). “Review of: Wu, Di: Affective Encounters: Everyday Life among Chinese Migrants in Zambia. London: Routledge 2021.” The China Quarterly 247: 923–924.

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Past Events


Open Science in University–Industry Research Collaboration in China: State of Affairs at the Policy-Level and Preliminary Evidence From the Field


Rethinking Internationalization of Higher Education in Light of the Transition from Innovation Systems to Innovation Ecosystems

Research Workshop

Two Seed Stories: Integration of Climate Change into Chinese Social Science of Agriculture

Research Workshop

Seeing Red: Theorizing the Intersection between Scientific Infrastructure and Geopolitics


Presentations, Talks, & Teaching Activities

Indebtedness, Predation, and Mistrust in Chinese-Angolan Transactions

Colloquium of the Regional Group China(s), German Anthropological Association (DGSKA)

Money and Mobility in Contemporary China (Undergraduate Seminar)

Institute of Chinese Studies, Freie Universität Berlin

African Song and Dance: Racial Scandals and the Role of African Studies Experts in China

Annual Conference of the Working Group on Social Science Research in China (ASC), German Association of Asian Studies, Berlin

The Concept of Brokerage in African Studies

African Studies Lecture Series, Tsinghua University Institute for International and Area Studies

Make a New Friend, Build a New Road: Opportunity, Mistrust, and Reliability in Chinese-Angolan Collaborations

CA/AC Online Mini-Symposium

They Eat Everything and Leave Nothing: Exploitation and Sinophobia in Postwar Angola

Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association

Features and Digital Resources

Nachrichten & Presse

Forschungsworkshop "Science, Foreign Policy, and the PRC" (Deadline 20. Juli 2021)
