Doktorand:innen der IMPRS
Coohort 2024
Po-Yuan ChengMeasuring and Calculating: Lisuan Knowledge During the Qing Dynasty's Anti-Western Policies, 1736–1840
Building a Future in Outer Space: Knowledge Control, Institutional Cultures, and Cold War Imagined Technologies
Squeezing Knowledge out of Rocks: The Politics of Paper Squeezes in Nineteenth-Century Sabaean Studies
Of Types and Stones: A Media History of Knowledge on Spatial Deviation
Becoming Bonobo: On Modeling a Species
Kohorte 2022
Jakob Kaaby HellsteniusIgnorance in the Age of text: Forbidden Knowledge Among Common Readers in 18th and 19th Century Britain
Premodern Agricultural Knowledge in New Persian
Politiken der Erfassung von Musik. Apparative Analyseverfahren in der musikethnologischen Forschung, 1900–1970
"Usual Suspects" in "Unusual Locations". Infrastructure, Maintenance and Expertise in the Late Ottoman Empire, 1855–1923
Science Before Nature: An Epistemology of Perspectives in the Commentaries of Cuneiform Scholarly Traditions
Colorful Encounters: Nature, Science, and Dyes between Europe and China, 1880–1950
Kohorte 2023
Megan BriersWomen in Nineteenth-Century British and American Astronomical Fieldwork
Nitrocellulose: A Material History of the Humanities
Beyond Leaves: Cultivating Knowledge in Books of Hours
Agrochemical Transformations and their Knowledge Resources in Egypt, 1882–1952
Tracing an Epistemic Genre: Premodern Arabic Recipe Collections as Resources of Knowledge
Contestation of Knowledge in the Collection and Exhibition of Indigenous Objects by Catholic Mission Museums