March for Science. Source: ©Becker1999/ CC-by-sa 2.0.
Dept. II
One Myrtle Proves Nothing: On Experimental Designs and the Study of Biological Systems MPIWG Room 215
MoreRendered: An Elementary Mobilization of Computer Graphic MPIWG Room 215
MoreZairian Chimpanzees for U.S. Labs: Development, Conservation, and the Politics of Resource Access MPIWG Room 215
'The Most Noble of All Commodities': The Global Gem Trade and the Seventeenth-Century Earth Sciences MPIWG Room 215
MoreCanceled: (Cows, Toads, and Other) Technologies of Reproduction: A Double Book Launch & Film Screening MPIWG Main Conference Room
- Several Speakers
All That Breathes: Film Screening and Discussion with the Filmmaker MPIWG Main Conference Room
- Several Speakers
In Search of 'A New Planetary Culture': Lynn Margulis and the Lindisfarne Association, 1974-1998 MPIWG Room 215
MorePlanet as Mis-en-Scene: Nonfiction Cinema and the Ecological Sublime MPIWG Room 215
MoreFor the Love of the River: Nuclear Ecologies and the Sensory Politics of Green Energy MPIWG Room 215
MoreEuropean Noise: The Cosmo-Politics of Noise Abatement in European Cities Boltzmannstr. 16
MoreDisposable Modernity: Masks and the Rise of the Throwaway Medical Culture MPIWG Room 265
MoreKnowing Trees: Co-producing Epistemologies of the Environment and Health Harnack Haus
MorePlants from Pyramids: Biogeography, Climate, and How to Write Cultural History MPIWG Room 265
MoreSituating the Symbiotic Planet: A Workshop on Lynn Margulis in Science, Culture, and Society Harnack-Haus Lise-Meitner-Saal
Unnecessary Sleep: Opium, the Trial of Ann, and the Therapeutic Dilemma of Slavery
MoreDept. II Opening Symposium & Oral History Practitioners’ Meeting MPIWG Main Conference Room
- Several Speakers
Predicting Parasite Pathologies? Coordination, Validity, and Values in Decision-Making in Serological Screening for Toxoplasmosis During Pregnancy in the 1970s MPIWG Villa, Room V005/Seminar Room
MoreAt Arm’s Lengths: Octopus Consciousness as a Scientific and Legal Artifact MPIWG Villa, Room V005/Seminar Room
MoreKäthe Seidel and the Social Life of Sediments MPIWG Villa, Room V005/Seminar Room
- Several Speakers
Between Wonder and Evidence: The International Festival of Scientific and Educational Film Seminar Room, Boltzmannstr. 16
Charting the Shattered Sea: Geopolitical Conflicts and East Asian Oceanography in the 20th Century MPIWG Room 265
MoreThe Pharmacologist’s Dilemma: Thalidomide, Abortion, and Medical Ethics in Women’s Healthcare IMPRS-KIR B16
MoreConserving Community-based Palestinian Environmental Knowledge MPIWG Villa, Room V005/Seminar Room
MoreOn Her Way to Cook: Women, Technology, and Cooking Knowledge in Peruvian History MPIWG Room 265
- Alejandra Osorio Tarazona, HU Berlin