engraving showing an idealized representation of the workshop of Jan Van Eyck, to whom Stradanus, following Vasari, attributed the invention of oil paint. Jan van der Straet (Stradanus), Nova Reperta, 1584, plate Color olivi. Source: Icon

An engraving showing an idealized representation of the workshop of Jan Van Eyck, to whom Stradanus, following Vasari, attributed the invention of oil paint. Jan van der Straet (Stradanus), Nova Reperta, 1584, plate Color olivi. Source: Deutsches Museum, Bildstelle.

Gender Equality

An engraving showing an idealized representation of the workshop of Jan Van Eyck, to whom Stradanus, following Vasari, attributed the invention of oil paint. Jan van der Straet (Stradanus), Nova Reperta, 1584, plate Color olivi. Source: Deutsches Museum, Bildstelle.

Gender Equality Officers

Birgit Kolboske & Rand El Zein

+49 175 2800 143 (in urgent cases)

The Max Planck Society supports the employment of equal numbers of both sexes, the provision of equal opportunities and the compatibility of family and career. Every employee, particularly those with supervisory and management functions, bears responsibility for this. This aim shall be achieved through the application of the Policy for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men at the Max Planck Society (Equal Opportunities Policy) of 1 January 2008. Click the sections below to read more about equality at the MPIWG, MPG, and in research.

Gender Equality Officers currently in office are Birgit Kolboske and Rand El Zein. The tasks of the Gender Equality Officers include, according to the official policy of the Max Planck Society, helping to implement and advance gender equality by preventing and eliminating gender discrimination at the Institute. They are involved in all measures concerning the employees, organization, and social life at the Institute, the protection against sexual harassment in the workplace as well as the compatibility of family and career. Moreover, the Gender Team is looking forward to cooperating with the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Group at the Institute.

In close cooperation with the Occupational Health Management (BGM), the GEOs hosted the MPIWG Gender Colloquium Series "Let's Talk About Gender" in 2024, which will be continued in 2025.


"Gender Stereotypes in Science? — Not with us!" Photo: Private (CC).

About Gender Equality

Media & Features

Gender Colloquium 2023/24


Workshop: "Missing Pictures" MPIWG Main Conference Room



Miriam Stein: Die gereizte Frau. Was unsere Gesellschaft mit meinen Wechseljahren zu tun hat MPIWG Main Conference Room


Lecture: "Intersectional Diversity" Harnack Haus


[RESCHEDULED]: "Discrimination in Treatment Decisions and Its Implications in Data-Driven Fairness" Harnack-Haus Humboldt Room


[RESCHEDULED] Workshop: "BIPoC, birthing bodies, fauxminism—und wie sage ich das auf Deutsch?" MPIWG Main Conference Room


Lecture: "Feministische Kämpfe um Mieten, Heim- und Hausarbeit" MPIWG Room 219
