Stamatina Mastorakou is the leader of the Working Group “Visualization and Material Cultures of the Heavens in Eurasia and North Africa (4000 BCE–1700 CE)” and the book review editor of Aestimatio.
Tina’s research focuses on the history of ancient astronomy and is based on literary and archeological sources. Tina has a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in History and Philosophy of Science from the University of Athens, Greece, and a PhD from Imperial College, University of London, in the History of Hellenistic Astronomy. She has extensive teaching and research experience at institutions in the US, Greece, Germany, Switzerland, and the UK. As a Research Scholar at MPIWG, Tina is working on her second monograph The Popularization of Astronomical Knowledge in Antiquity: Shaping Celestial Imagery through Poetry, Art and Politics. Her book explores the production and dissemination of astral knowledge in the Hellenistic world, which was shaped by the popular astronomical poem Phaenomena by Aratus, the political agenda of the Antigonids, and the creation of celestial globes and artistic objects with astral imagery.
Current Projects
Completed Projects
Selected Publications
Brentjes, Rana, Sonja Brentjes, and Stamatina Mastorakou, eds. (2024). Imagining the Heavens Across Eurasia from Antiquity to Early Modernity. Milan: Mimesis Edizioni.
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Mastorakou, Stamatina (2024). “Visualization of Astronomical Knowledge in Hellenistic Times: Aratus, Urania and the Celestial Globe.” In Imagining the Heavens across Eurasia from Antiquity to Early Modernity, ed. R. Brentjes, S. Brentjes, and S…
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Mastorakou, Stamatina (2024). “Ancient Globes of Larissa.” Globe Studies 68 (2023): 115–126.
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Mastorakou, Stamatina (2024). “Antike Globen in Larissa.” Der Globusfreund 68 (2023): 117–128.
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Past Events
Field Trip
Objects Revealed: Unveiling Astral Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection
Archaeology of the Astral: Mingling of Astrological and Cosmological Ideas in the Context of Sea Trade between Early Historic India and Roman Egypt (1st c. BCE–5th c. CE)
The Written Forms of External Medicine in the Seventeenth Century: The Case of Waike Zhengzong
Knowledge-Making after Farming Manuals: Farming Progress Dispatches in Late Chosŏn Korea
Internal Rotation/s. Sociomaterial practices and Embodiments in Hugo Sellheim’s Experiments on Birth Mechanics