
Hassan El-Hajj

Research Technology Officer (Jan 2023-Feb 2028)

Hassan El-Hajj is a data scientist and research IT scholar at the Institute. He received an MA in Archaeology from the American University of Beirut as well as an MSc in Geoinformation Sciences, focusing on Computer Vision and Remote Sensing research from the Technische Universität Berlin. In his thesis, he worked on Artificial Intelligence applications within advanced driver-assistance services (ADAS). He finished his PhD in Classical Archaeology at the Philipps-Universität Marburg, focusing on the geospatial analysis and reconstruction of Roman Berytus. He worked as a geospatial consultant and data scientist for numerous archaeological projects before joining the Berlin Institute for the Foundation of Learning and Data (BIFOLD) as a data scientist within the Sphaera Project of Department I between 2021 and 2022.

Hassan’s research interests center on the use of Machine Learning within the humanities and cultural domains, where he aims to bridge the gap between computer science and the humanities. His current work focuses on historical document analysis using Machine Learning methods, as well as knowledge generation, discovery, and recommendation in Knowledge Graphs. 

Selected Publications

El-Hajj, Hassan, Oliver Eberle, Anika Merklein, Anna Irene Siebold, Noga Shlomi, Jochen Büttner, Julius Martinetz, Klaus-Robert Müller, Grégoire Montavon, and Matteo Valleriani (2023). “Explainability and Transparency in the Realm of Digital…

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Eberle, Oliver, Jochen Büttner, Hassan El-Hajj, Grégoire Montavon, Klaus-Robert Müller, and Matteo Valleriani (2023). “Insightful Analysis of Historical Sources at Scales beyond Human Capabilities Using Unsupervised Machine Learning and XAI.” arXiv …

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El-Hajj, Hassan and Matteo Valleriani (2023). “Prompt Me a Dataset: An Investigation of Text-Image Prompting for Historical Image Dataset Creation Using Foundation Models.” arXiv [cs], September 4, 2023. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2309.01674.

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Zamani, Maryam, Hassan El-Hajj, Malte Vogl, Holger Kantz, and Matteo Valleriani (2023). “A Mathematical Model for the Process of Accumulation of Scientific Knowledge in the Early Modern Period.” Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 10 …

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Past Events

Digital Humanities Brown Bag Lunch

Fantastic Creatures and Plants: Ottoman Nature in Travelogues and their Computational Explorations

Digital Humanities Brown Bag Lunch

Contesting, Remaking, and Reimagining Absence among and with Digital Methods: A 3-Project Based Examination

Digital Humanities Brown Bag Lunch

Exploring Images of Climate Change with Digital Methods

Digital Humanities Brown Bag Lunch

Medieval Coats of Arms in the Focus of AI

Digital Humanities Brown Bag Lunch

Explainable AI in the Digital Humanities


Presentations, Talks, & Teaching Activities

Introduction to Digital Humanities: Current Approaches and Methods

Technische Universität Berlin

Understanding Historical Sources Using Computational Approaches: The Sphere Project and the Shared Scientific Identity of Europe

BIFOLD Opening Ceremony Symposium

Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BBAW)

Tracing Innovation with Representation Learning in the Sphaera Corpus

6th Graphs and Networks in the Humanities Conference


Using Flow Maps to Visualize Epistemic Networks

6th Graphs and Networks in the Humanities Conference

CIDOC2VEC: Knowledge Graph Embedding in the Humanities

All-Hands-Meeting der KI-Kompetenzentren – Poster

The Visual Apparatus of the Sphaera Corpus

Digital Humanities and Artificial Intelligence (DHAI) Seminar

Node Embeddings in Early Modern Edition Networks

International Workshop on Machine Learning and Digital Humanities

Technische Universität Berlin

Detecting Archaeological Damage from Space using Open Source Satellite Data and Machine Learning: The
Case of the Near East

12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE), University of Bologna

Automatic Looting Detection using Machine Learning and Open Source Satellite Imagery

Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies, Vienna

InSAR Coherence Patch Classification using ML: Towards Automatic Looting Detection of Archaeological

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Archaeology, British School of Rome (BSR) and the European Space Agency Center for Earth Observation (ESA-ESRIN)

InSAR Coherence Patch Classification using ML: Towards the Automatic Looting Detection of Archaeological Sites

British School of Rome and the European Space Agency Earth Observation Center (ESA-ESRIN)

Shops in Ancient Berytus: New Data from Old Excavations

Broadening Horizons Conference 6, Freie Universität Berlin

Shops in Ancient Berytus: New Data from Old Excavations, Broadening Horizons Conference

Freie Universität Berlin

Microwave Remote Sensing for the Preservation of Archaeological Sites, Broadening Horizons Conference

Freie Universität Berlin

Domestic Architecture and Social Change in the Greco-Roman Near East

British Association of Near Eastern Archaeologists (BANEA), University of Wales Trinity Saint David – Lampeter

Nachrichten & Presse

 Spring 2024: Library Publications Slam event in pictures.


Die digitale, open-access Anwendung CorDeep eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten zur Erkennung von Bildmaterial


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