Colloquium Summer 2018

Epistemes of Modern Acoustics

Request Further Information

All "Epistemes of Modern Acoustics" colloquia take place from 13:30 to 15:30 in the seminar room of the MPIWG Villa (Harnackstraße 5). The papers are available one week in advance, and can be requested from the Research Group's office.


Knowledge as Product: The Herman Miller Research Corporation and the Architectonics of privacy (1959–1979) MPIWG Villa, Room V005/Seminar Room


Resonance between Laboratory and Clinique—the Gynecological Organ in St. Petersburg MPIWG Main Conference Room


Algorithmic Modeling of Musical Time MPIWG Villa, Room V005/Seminar Room


Tuning the World: The United States Raises the Pitch MPIWG Villa, Room V005/Seminar Room


Soliloquies on Tape: Some Thoughts on Media Application MPIWG Villa, Room V005/Seminar Room
