
Jul 27-28, 2022
Fenye in Local Gazetteers Workshop

In this workshop, the Fenye in Local Gazetteers working group members will present their preliminary findings for their first joint visit at MPIWG, July 1-31, 2022. Each member will give a presentation which indicates one's future research plan after the intensive exchange which takes place earlier in the month. Please see the group page for the topics questioned by this group and the abstracts of the individual projects. There will be no pre-circulated materials for the audience. 


Harnack House, Conference Venue of the Max Planck Society, Ihnestraße 16-20, 14195 Berlin, Deutschland
Kontakt und Registrierung

This event is open to the public but requires registration. In-person spots are limited and are on a first come, first served basis. Please register by emailing

2022-07-27T12:30:00SAVE IN I-CAL 2022-07-27 12:30:00 2022-07-28 12:30:00 Fenye in Local Gazetteers Workshop In this workshop, the Fenye in Local Gazetteers working group members will present their preliminary findings for their first joint visit at MPIWG, July 1-31, 2022. Each member will give a presentation which indicates one's future research plan after the intensive exchange which takes place earlier in the month. Please see the group page for the topics questioned by this group and the abstracts of the individual projects. There will be no pre-circulated materials for the audience.  Program July 27, 2022   10:30–12:00 Opening (Shih-Pei).    Huiyi Wu (Centre Alexandre Koyré - EHESS, CNRS). Western Learning in the fenye chapters of Qing dynasty local gazetteers.   Changyi Lv (Hubei Academy of Social Sciences). How the field allocation went into local gazetteers. 12:00–12:20 Coffee break 12:20–13:00 Mengmeng Sun (University of Chinese Academy of Science). Theories about local environment: The framework of “Fenye-Qihou-Zaixiang” in the local gazetteers. 13:00–14:00 Lunch / Dinner 14:00–15:20 Jingjia Qiu (Renmin University). Study on the Records of “Field Allocation” in the Local Gazetteers of the Song Dynasty.   Tristan Brown (MIT). Empire of the Night Sky: The Politics of Astrological Knowledge in Qing China. 15:20–16:00 General discussion July 28, 2022 10:30–12:00 Shih-Pei Chen & Calvin Yeh (MPIWG). Digital approaches to Studying fenye/xingye in Chinese local gazetteers. 12:00–12:20 Coffee break 12:20–13:00 Mario Cams (University of Maco). The Cosmological Bearing of Late Ming Macro-Geography: ‘Fenye’ as a Concept on Large Commercial Maps. 13:00–14:00 Lunch / Dinner 14:00–15:20 Vera Dorofeeva-Lichtmann (CRNS-EHESS). Popular Ming Field Allocation Maps: Between Origins and Afterlife.   Jiajing Zhang (University of Chinese Academy of Science). Changes and Vanishing of the Astronomic Field Allocation Knowledge in Chinese Local Gazetteers since Eastwards Spread of Western Learning. 15:20–16:00 General discussion Harnack House, Conference Venue of the Max Planck Society, Ihnestraße 16-20, 14195 Berlin, Germany Shih-Pei Chen Shih-Pei Chen Europe/Berlin public