Ilaria Bultrighini studied Ancient History, Archaeology, and Classics at the Universities of Urbino and Rome La Sapienza and received her PhD from G. d’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara in 2012. She has held fellowships at Harvard University’s Center for Hellenic Studies, the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (2012–2013) and the Einstein Center Chronoi in Berlin (2019), and worked on major research projects at UCL (2013–2018) and the Institute of Classical Studies in London (2018–2019). From 2017–2020 she was a member of the DFG-funded International Research Network “Chronos: Soziale Zeit in den Kulturen des Altertums”.
Ilaria is an Honorary Research Fellow at UCL, and visited Department III of the MPIWG within the framework of the “Visualizations and Material Cultures of the Heavens” working group. Her project explores conceptions of the planets in the Graeco-Roman world from the Hellenistic to the Late Antique period. Her monograph, Demi attici della Paralia (Lanciano: Carabba, 2015), deals with non-urban areas of the Athenian polis. She has also published on calendars and time reckoning, astrology, Greek and Roman religion, and the Greek East under Roman rule. Epigraphy is central to her research, and she has been serving as member of the steering committees of the Association Internationale d’Épigraphie Grecque et Latine and the British Epigraphy Society.
Visualizations of the Planets in the Graeco-Roman World (ca. 300 BCE-600 CE)
Selected Publications
Bultrighini, Ilaria (2024). “Visualizing the Seven Planets of Graeco-Roman Antiquity as Rulers of the Days of the Astrological Week.” In Imagining the Heavens Across Eurasia from Antiquity to Early Modernity, ed. R. Brentjes, S. Brentjes, and S…
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Bultrighini, Ilaria (2024). “Worshipping Imported Deities in Attika: The Case of Artemis Amarysia.” In Sanctuaries and Experience: Knowledge, Practice and Space in the Ancient World, ed. G. Woolf, I. Bultrighini, and C. Norman, 193–219. Stuttgart:…
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Woolf, Greg, Ilaria Bultrighini, and Camilla Norman (2024). “Introduction.” In Sanctuaries and Experience: Knowledge, Practice and Space in the Ancient World, ed. G. Woolf, I. Bultrighini, and C. Norman, 9–27. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
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