- Presentation
- Apr 26, 2022
- 01:01:22
Historicizing Trust in Medicine
- Alfred Freeborn Maya Goldenberg (University of Guelph) Lara Keuck
- Practices of Validation in the Biomedical Sciences
The End of Medical Expertise?
Have online threats and harassment of medical personnel throughout the COVID pandemic as well as public refusal to abide by public health measures signalled the death of medical expertise? While these concerning events are despairingly described as a war on science, the end of expertise, and “post-truth,” a social epistemology re-reading of events as changing parameters of trust in public health and health care institutions provides a more nuanced understanding of the problem and what to do about it.
MPIWG—Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Music by: Jon Luc Hefferman, CC BY-NC 3.0