profile picture of Vincent Deluz

Vincent Deluz

Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2017–2018)

Vincent Deluz was educated in medieval studies at the University of Geneva. He specialized in the study of medieval manuscripts and the editing of technical texts and obtained a master's degree in French and Medieval Latin and Literature in 2013. Since then, he has been an assistant and PhD student at the University of Geneva, where he teaches the historical grammar of French. From 2014 to 2017, he was the coordinator of the doctoral program in medieval studies at Conférence Universitaire de Suisse Occidentale. In 2014, he began working on a doctoral thesis project about the automata of the Western Middle Ages with a philological and technical approach. As a Predoctoral Fellow at MPIWG, he will continue his research on automata and techniques in the Middle Ages, focusing on the transfer of knowledge in applied mechanics between Eastern and Western world. Related to this area of research, he has already published an article on the subject of clocks with automata and the transfer of knowledge (Autour des Machines de Vitruve. L'ingénerie romaine: textes, archéologie et restitution. Caen: Presses Universitaires de Caen, 2017). In addition to his thesis, he co-authored with Delphine Dejonghe a critical edition of the first Western technical treatise on archery: L’art d’archerie ou La fachon de tirer de l’arc à main: édition critique et commentaire du premier traité de tirer à l’arc d’Occident, Collection Cynégétique, Droz, Genève (in press). He is also a member of the Committee of the Jeunes Chercheurs Médiévistes of the University of Geneva.


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Between Marvel and Machine: The Automaton in the Middle Ages


Selected Publications

Deluz, V. (2017). De la clepsydre animée à l'horloge mécanique à automates, entre Antiquité et Moyen Âge. In S. Madeleine (Ed.), Autour des machines de Vitruve: l'ingénerie romaine; textes, archéologie et restitution (pp. 173-194). Caen: Presses universitaires de Caen.

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Deluz, V., & Dupuis, O. (2017). Le jeu de la hache: a critical edition and dating discussion. Acta Periodica Duellatorum, 5(5), 3-62.

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Deluz, V. (2016). L'arbalète, arme de chasse et de guerre, des tireurs au prince. In N. Baptiste (Ed.), Armatus Corpus: L’armement des princes savoyards, XIII-XVe s (pp. 153-157). Gollion: InFolio.

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Presentations, Talks, & Teaching Activities

"Faire torner une ruee par li seule : le mouvement perpétuel et la recherche en mécanique à la fin du Moyen Âge"

Congress, "6e Congrès de la Société Française d'Histoire des Sciences et des Techniques," Société Française d'Histoire des Sciences et des Techniques (University of Strasbourg)

"Vocabulaire technique : le lexique horloger et la langue française"

Conference, "Journées d'études : Le français médiéval : Quel(s) rythme(s) d'évolution ? II. Les textes de savoir," University of the Sorbonne, Paris

"Horloger : naissance d'un métier au Moyen Âge?"

Lecture, "Métiers et société au Moyen Âge: organisation, pratiques et statuts," Centre d'Études Médiévales of the University of Geneva

"Lectures commentées de textes français médiévaux"

Grammaire historique du français, Département de Langues et littératures françaises et latines, médiévales, Faculty of Arts, University of Geneva