profile picture of Lily Xiaolei Huang

Lily Xiaolei Huang

Predoctoral Fellow (2018–2019)

Lily Huang received a BA in History and Literature at Harvard and is currently pursuing a PhD in History of Science at the University of Chicago. Her dissertation, Metaphor and Metaphysic: Henri Bergson and the Language of Epistemology in Fin-de-Siècle France, historicizes a philosopher of science by literary means. At the University of Chicago, Lily has designed and taught undergraduate courses that experiment with different confluences of history, science, and literature. In 2017, she developed the workshop "The Uses of Anomaly," a collaboration between the MPIWG (Department II) and the Fishbein Center of the University of Chicago, which explored the range of ways anomalies are deployed in the natural and humanistic sciences. In 2018, she is a recipient of a Dan David Scholarship in the field of history of science.


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Metaphor & Metaphysic: Henri Bergson & the Language of Epistemology in Fin-de-Siècle France


Metaphor and Metaphysic: Henri Bergson’s Dream of Motion in Fin-de-Siècle France