James Hall
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2017)
MA, Doctoral Student, University of Cambridge
James Hall is a PhD candidate in the Department of the History and Philosophy of Science (HPS) at the University of Cambridge. He completed an MPhil in HPS and a BA in Natural Sciences also at Cambridge. His MPhil and PhD have been funded by awards from the Arts and Humanities Research Council.
James’ work focuses upon the production of knowledge about snakes through collection, classification, experimentation and representation, particularly with respect to Britain and South Asia in the nineteenth century. His paper “Encountering Snakes in Early Victorian London: The First Reptile House at the Zoological Gardens” was published in History of Science in 2015. At the MPIWG he is completing his dissertation titled “Serpents and Empire: Moral Encounters with Natural History, c. 1780-1870.”
Serpents and Empire: Moral Encounters with Natural History, c. 1780–1870