
Chao Gu

Visiting Scholar (Jul 2024-Aug 2024)

Prof. Dr.

Chao Gu is an assistant professor at the Research Center for Chinese Politics, School of Government, Peking University. He received his PhD in 2013 from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences where he specialized in refrigeration and cryogenic engineering. He worked on political science as a postdoctoral researcher at the Compilation and Translation Bureau of the CPC Central Committee from 2015–2017. He also worked on the history of science as a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of History of Science, Technology and Medicine, Peking University from 2020–2022. His recent study of the social history of Chinese superconductivity research was published in Social Studies of Science. He is currently working on his monograph (in Chinese) titled Science and Power: The Evolution of Science Regime (科学与权力:科学政体的演化). During his visit at MPIWG's Lise Meitner Research Group, he is conducting the research project “The Politicization of Science in China: A Case Study of Smog Governance.”


The Politicization of Science in China: A Case Study of Smog Governance


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Selected Publications

Gu, Chao (2023). “The Co-production of Normal Science: A Social History of High-Temperature Superconductivity Research in China (1987–2008).” Social Studies of Science 53 (1): 81–101.

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Gu, Chao (2022). “Kexueshi shiyu xia de yuanshi chuangxin: yi gaowen chaodao yanjiu wei li 科学史视域下的原始创新:以高温超导研究为例 [Original Innovation from the Perspective of History of Science: A Case Study of High-Temperature Superconductivity Research].” Kexue…

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Gu, Chao and Yi Feng (2022). “Influence of Public Engagement with Science on Scientific Information Literacy During the COVID 19 Pandemic: Empirical Evidence from College Students in China. .” Science & Education 31 (3): 619–633.…

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Gu, Chao (2021). “Women Scientists in China: Current Status and Aspirations.” National Science Review 8 (10, nwab101).

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