profile picture of Abram Kaplan holding a banana and pretend it's a phone

Abram Kaplan

Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2017–2018)

MA, Doctoral Student, Columbia University

Abram Kaplan is a doctoral candidate in the history department at Columbia University. His dissertation examines how five major early modern mathematicians used ancient Greek mathematics to invent new mathematics. He recently gave presentations at the Algorithmic Thinking conference at UC Berkeley and at the John Wallis at 400 workshop at the University of Toronto; the former will be published in a planned edited volume and the latter in a planned special issue (September 2018) of Notes and Records of the Royal Society. He has delivered papers on Isaac Newton, François Viète, and Niccolò Machiavelli at major professional conferences. From 2016 to 2017, he taught history of philosophy as a preceptor in Contemporary Civilization at Columbia and was the graduate student rapporteur for the University Seminar in the History and Philosophy of Science. In 2017 he held a Dibner Fellowship at the Huntington Library in Pasadena, and his research has also been supported by the Columbia Alliance, the New York Consortium for Intellectual and Cultural History, the DAAD, and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. In 2017–2018 he holds the Harriet Zuckerman Dissertation Completion Fellowship from Columbia University.


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"The Myth of Greek Algebra": Philology and the Discovery of the Calculus, 1580–1710