Research Scholar (Dept. I) (EN)
März 09, 2018Abteilung/Forschungsgruppe
The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, is looking for a
Research Scholar in the Humanities with Experience in Software Development
(39.5hrs/week, 18 months)
for the development of an open access publication infrastructure, funded by the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research). The position offers attractive and varied tasks in a small international team, based near the campus of Freie Universität in Berlin Dahlem.
Tasks include
- research on the modeling of scientific publications
- development of impact and success criteria based on the analysis of usage data
- designing and implementing a database model for scientific publications
- designing and implementing a software architecture for the management and display of scientific publications, including the development of modules for interactive content
- establishing a workflow for document conversion on the basis of existing tools
- implementing web designs in HTML.
Required qualifications
- a university degree (at M.A. or PhD level) in the humanities or information science.
We expect the candidate to be qualified in the following software technology:
- Python programming language
- XML and related technologies (e.g. XSLT)
- web technologies, especially CSS, JavaScript and JavaScript-frameworks
- statistics software (e.g. R)
- relational databases
- virtualization technologies
- UNIX-type operating systems.
We are looking for a colleague with a strong team-oriented and sustainable working style.
Remuneration is based on the TVöD-Bund pay scales (up to E13). The starting date is March 15, 2018.
Candidates of all nationalities are invited to apply; applications from women are especially welcome. The Max Planck Society is committed to promoting people with disabilities and encourages them to apply.
Only electronic submissions will be accepted. Candidates are requested to submit, via our online application portal:
a letter of application, a CV, and copies of your qualifications. Applications sent by post will not be accepted.
Deadline of submission: March 09, 2018
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Boltzmannstr. 22
14195 Berlin, Germany
For questions concerning the position or the project, please contact Klaus Thoden
Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Boltzmannstraße 22, 14195 Berlin, Deutschland