Okt 10-12, 2016
Vom Wissen zum Wert? Forschungsinstitutionen und die Kommerzialisierung der Wissenschaft
- 00:00
- Workshop
- Max-Planck-Forschungsprogramm (GMPG)
Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Boltzmannstraße 22, 14195 Berlin, Deutschland
Kontakt und Registrierung
Monday, 10. October
14.00-14.15 Jürgen Renn & Florian Schmaltz (GMPG, Berlin)
14.15-14.45 Jaromir Balcar & Alexander v. Schwerin (GMPG)
Basic Research & Commercialization: the Case of the Max Planck Society
Section 1: Innovation Regimes
Chair: Monika Dommann (ETH Zürich)
14.45-15.45 Anna Guagnini (Univ. Bologna)
Individuals, Institutions, and the Commercialization of Academic Science: A Long-term Comparative Perspective
15.45-16.15 Coffee Break
16.15-17.15 Zhihui Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing)
From “Ivory Tower” to “Doing Business”. The Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Rise of the Chinese "Silicon Valley" (1980-1990)
17.15-18.15 Helmut Maier (Univ. Bochum)
The Innovation System of the Max Planck Institute of Coal Research Ltd.
Keynote Lecture
18.30-19.30 Dominique Pestre (Centre Alexandre Koyré, Paris)
Is Commercialization the Best or Only Word? On the Economization of Environmental Protection since the 1970s
Tuesday, 11. October
Section 2: Institutional Identities
Chair: Carsten Reinhardt (Univ. Bielefeld)
09.30-10.30 Christina Diblitz (Univ. Suttgart)
In Between of Service, Fundamental Research and Innovation: A 'Triple Helix’ Model of the Material Producers and Scientific Service Groups in the Max Planck Society
10.30-11.00 Coffee Break
11.00-12.00 Jaromir Balcar (GMPG, Berlin)
Technology Transfer in the Mode of Trial and Error: The History of Max Planck’s Garching Innovation Ltd.
12.00-13.00 Gabriel Galvez-Behar (CNRS, Lille)
The Patents of French Science: The Case of CNRS
13.00-14.00 Lunch
Section 3: Professionalization
Chair: Ulrike Thoms (GMPG, Berlin)
14.00-15.00 David Kaldewey (Univ. Bonn)
Changing Modes of Identity Work: Commercialization From Within Academia
15.00-16.00 Alexander v. Schwerin (GMPG, Berlin)
Max Planck Biosciences in the 1970s/80s and the Struggle for New Directions
16.00-16.30 Coffee Break
Keynote Lecture
16.30-17.30 Philip Mirowski (Univ. Notre Dame, USA)
The Advent of ‘Open Science’: A New Neoliberal Era?
Round Table
17.45-19.30 Participants and short statements by
Monika Dommann, Jean-Paul Gaudillière, Jürgen Kocka, Philip Mirowski, Dominique Pestre; Chair: Florian Schmaltz
Commercialization in Comparison
Wednesday, 12. October
Section 4: Strategies of Merchandizing
Chair: Jean-Paul Gaudillière (CNRS, CERMES3, Paris)
09.00-10.00 Ton van Helvoort (Netherlands)
“Make, Buy or Ally”: Unilever and the New Biotechnology During the Last Quarter of the 20th Century
10.00-11.00 Cyrus Mody (Maastricht Univ.)
Commercialization as Experimentation: Entangled Institutional Innovations among Santa Barbara Physicists in the 1970s
11.00-11.30 Coffee Break
11.30-12.30 Christophe Lecuyer (UPMC, Paris)
Selling Innovation: The Case of Semiconductor Research at the University of California
12.30-13.30 Gemma Cirac Claveras (Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris)
Trading with Satellite Weather Data in the United States: Public or Commodities
Final Discussion
13.30-14.00 Carsten Reinhardt (Univ. Bielefeld)
Concluding Remarks