How Can Wisdom and Science be brought together in the Anthropocene? (in German)
Sibylle Anderl, FAZ, Jürgen Renn, MPI for the History of Science in Berlin, Bernd M. Scherer, HKW Berlin, and Hauke Schmidt, MPI for Meteorology in Hamburg, will discuss possible solutions to the problems of the Anthropocene. The panel discussion will be moderated by Jeanne Rubner, BR, at the Jugendkirche Hannover.
About This Series
The Festival of Philosophy comes from Modena, where many people have been drawn to the Piazza by philosophical themes every year since 2001. Since 2008, the city and region of Hanover have also been part of the Europe-wide festival network. The festival takes place here every two years.
The aim is to bring philosophy back to where it was originally at home: to the market, to the urban public.
The 7th Festival of Philosophy is organised together with the Max Planck Society
- Discussion
- May 28, 2021
- 01:26:25
How Can Wisdom and Science be brought together in the Anthropocene?