Director Jürgen Renn Awarded Honorary Doctorate by Tel Aviv University (TAU)
- May 12, 2022
- Institute News
- Dept. Renn
- Jürgen Renn

(c) Tel Aviv University
Director Jürgen Renn has been awarded the degree of Doctor Philosoph Honoris Causa by Tel Aviv University (TAU). The award recognizes his research on long-term developments of knowledge that take into account processes of globalization. In accepting the honorary doctorate, Renn joins a distinguished list of honorees that includes Umberto Eco, Angela Merkel, Alan Dershowitz, and many more.
The MPIWG is pleased to have a warm relationship with Tel Aviv University including a teaching cooperation with its Cohn Institute. Renn is also Chair of the MPG Minerva Centers Committee, which is dedicated to promoting cooperation between German and Israeli researchers.