
“Ammoniak und seine Synthese”—Jürgen Renn, Benjamin Johnson, and Benjamin Steininger in Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau on the epochal invention of ammonia.

Jürgen Renn, Benjamin Johnson, and Benjamin Steininger have published in Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau on the invention of ammonia. “Ammoniak und seine Synthese—Wie eine epochale Erfindung das Leben der Menschen und die Arbeit der Chemiker verändert” explores how a process of transformation—driven by science and industry as well as social and political factors—led to industrial ammonia synthesis, which revolutionized agriculture and profoundly changed our lives. Today, we face the challenge of a new transformation to mitigate the adverse effects.


Postcard from c. 1915, representing the meaning of the new ammonia production.


Postcard from c. 1915, representing the meaning of the new ammonia production.


Liebig in his laboratory at the Chemical Institute of the University of Gießen. Image: Wilhelm Trautschold (BPK Bildagentur).