profile picture of Daniela Helbig

Daniela Helbig

Visiting Scholar (Jan 2019)

PhD, University of Sydney, Australia, Lecturer, School for the History and Philosophy of Science

Daniela Helbig studied physics in Berlin and Paris after a year of Studium Generale at the Leibniz-Kolleg Tübingen. She obtained her PhD in History of Science from Harvard University in 2012, and has since been a Lecturer in the School for History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Sydney, Australia. As a Visiting Scholar at the MPIWG, Daniela is working on a book on the pilot and technical physicist Melitta Schiller-Stauffenberg (1903–1945).

Daniela's broader research and teaching interests are at the intersection of the history of technology and intellectual history, with a focus on the connections between material text production practices and textual form and genre. She has written on Martin Heidegger and Hans Blumenberg in this context, and more recently has extended this approach to digital archives, in particular Kant's Opus postumum. Daniela also has a long-standing interest in science and technology in the Middle East. Her work on aerial archaeology in Syria and Lebanon has appeared in History of Photography.


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The Known and the Lived: Melitta Schiller-Stauffenberg, 1903–1945