Institute's Bibliography (PuRe) Team

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Working Group Volumes

Working Group volumes are a specialty of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG): volumes written by two or more authors which are the result of intensive collaboration, involving multiple working sessions in which drafts of the individual chapters are presented, discussed, and revised. Many MPIWG research projects publish their principal results in this form, in addition to books and articles by individual participating scholars. These Working Group volumes are especially well suited to opening up new fields of research and to covering topics from a comparative perspective, both challenges that invite collective rather than individual scholarship.



Working Group Volume

Histories of Scientific Observation

Observation is the most pervasive and fundamental practice of all the modern sciences, both natural and human. Its instruments include not only the naked senses but also tools such as the telescope and microscope, the questionnaire, the photographic plate, the notebook, the glassed-in beehive, and myriad other ingenious inventions designed to make the invisible visible, the evanescent permanent, the abstract concrete.

Working Group Volume

Neurocultures: Glimpses into an Expanding Universe

Neurocultures offers «glimpses» into an expanding universe of knowledge, beliefs and practices characterized by the conviction that human activity is governed by the structure and functioning of the brain. The 1990s were the Decade of the Brain, and the first hundred years of the new millennium have been proclaimed its Century.

Working Group Volume

Notieren, Skizzieren : Schreiben und Zeichnen als Verfahren des Entwurfs

Der dritte Band der Reihe »Wissen im Entwurf« beschäftigt sich mit Techniken des Schreibens und Zeichnens in jenen kreativen, herstellenden Zusammenhängen, die gemeinhin unter ›Entwurf‹ gefasst werden.

Working Group Volume

Wunderforschung : ein Experiment von Kindern, Wissenschaftlern und Künstlern

Immer wieder bildet Staunen die Voraussetzung von Erkenntnis. Darum haben Kinder, Wissenschaftler und Künstler im Comenius-Garten in Berlin-Neukölln Wunder erforscht - und so manche Erkenntnis zutage befördert.

Working Group Volume

Materials and Expertise in Early Modern Europe : Between Market and Laboratory

It is often assumed that natural philosophy was the forerunner of early modern natural sciences. But where did these sciences’ systematic observation and experimentation get their starts?

Working Group Volume

Max Planck und die moderne Physik

Max Planck (1858-1947) ist nach den Worten Max von Laues der „Vater der Quantenphysik". Diese Charakteristik hat bis heute bestand, obwohl Planck seiner Quantenhypothese lange Zeit skeptisch gegenüberstand und so zum Revolutionär wider Willen wurde

Working Group Volume

The Heavens on Earth: Observatories and Astronomy in Nineteenth-Century Science and Culture

The Heavens on Earth explores the place of the observatory in nineteenth-century science and culture. Astronomy was a core pursuit for observatories, but usually not the only one.

Special Issue (Working Group Volume)

Galilei und die Anderen: Hintergründe einer Revolution der Astronomie

Aus Anlass des Jubiläums von Galileis Entdeckung der Satelliten Jupiters erscheint ein Sonderheft von „Sterne und Weltraum” mit Beiträgen von MPIWG-Historiker*innen.

Working Group Volume

Going Amiss in Experimental Research

Like any goal-oriented procedure, experiment is subject to many kinds of failures. These failures have a variety of features, depending on the particulars of their sources. For the experimenter these pitfalls should be avoided and their effects minimized.

Working Group Volume

Creating Shapes in Civil and Naval Architecture : A Cross-Disciplinary Comparison

The design, construction and verification of complex two- and three-dimensional shapes in architecture and ship geometry have always been a particularly demanding part of the art of engineering.

Working Group Volume

Spuren erzeugen : Zeichnen und Schreiben als Verfahren der Selbstaufzeichnung

Der zweite Band der Reihe »Wissen im Entwurf« untersucht Aufzeichnungspraktiken, die die Sicherung von Phänomenen mit der Vermittlung und Analyse von Subjektivität verknüpfen.

Working Group Volume

The Social and Economic Roots of the Scientific Revolution

The volume collects classics of Marxist historiography of science, including a new translation of Boris Hessen’s “The Social and Economic Roots of Newton’s Principia” (1931), Henryk Grossmann’s “The Social Foundation of Mechanistic Philosophy and Manufacture” (1935) and his Descartes’ New Ideal of Science. Universal Science vs. Science of an Elite, published here for the first time.

Special Issue (Working Group Volume)

Science and the changing senses of reality circa 1900

Special Issue (Working Group Volume)

Max Planck: Revolutionär wider Willen ; eine kleine Geschichte der Quantentheorie und ihres Begründers

Working Group Volume

Daten sichern : Schreiben und Zeichnen als Verfahren der Aufzeichnung

Schreiben und Zeichnen als Verfahren der Aufzeichnung zu denken, führt direkt auf die fixierende, zurückhaltende Kraft, die von vornherein mit der graphischen Spur des Stiftes verbunden wird und das Trivialste zu sein scheint

Working Group Volume

Chuan bo yu hui tong : "Qi qi tu shuo" yan jiu yu jiao zhu 传播与会通 :《奇器图说》研究与校注

Transmission and integration - Qiqi Tushuo (illustrations and descriptions of extraordinary devices): New research and annotated edition

Working Group Volume

Heredity Produced: At the Crossroads of Biology, Politics, and Culture, 1500-1870

The cultural history of heredity: scholars from a range of disciplines discuss the evolution of the concept of heredity, from the Early Modern understanding of the act of "generation" to its later nineteenth-century definition as the transmission of characteristics across generations.

Working Group Volume

Physiker zwischen Autonomie und Anpassung: die Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft im Dritten Reich

Welche Rolle spielte die Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft in den Jahren der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft, welche Position nahm sie im Prozess der wissenschafts- und forschungspolitischen Neuorientierung ein und was war ihre Funktion im politischen Macht- und Handlungsgefüge des Dritten Reiches?

Working Group Volume

Positioning the History of Science

The present volume, compiled in honor of an outstanding historian of science, physicist and exceptional human being, Sam Schweber, is unique in assembling a broad spectrum of positions on the history of science by some of its leading representatives.

Working Group Volume

From Embryology to Evo-Devo: A History of Developmental Evolution

Historians, philosophers, sociologists, and biologists explore the history of the idea that embryological development and evolution are linked.