
Sound cage for experiments in sound localization, in Matataro Matsumoto, “Researches on Acoustic Space,” Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory, 5, 1897, 1–75: 3.


Epistemes of Modern Acoustics

Research Group Leader Viktoria Tkaczyk

T +49 30 22667 303


Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (1 Mar 2020-31 Jul 2021)

Engineered Modernity: A Critical History of Computing in People's Republic of China

Visiting Scholar (Feb 2018-19 Feb 2018)

PhD, Department of Media Studies, University of Amsterdam

Researching Radio: Sound Archives and Discipline Formation, 1930-1945

Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (15 Jan 2019-31 Mar 2019)

Visiting Scholar (1 Sep 2018-31 Dec 2018)

Catherine Mills Davis Professor of Music, Wellesley College

Liberal Sound: Milton Babbitt and the RCA Synthesizer

Research Scholar (1 Jun 2015-31 May 2018)


Sound Science: Recording and Listening in the Biology of Bird Song, Listening and The Shaping of Work Performance in the Twentieth Century

Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2 Jul 2018-3 Sep 2018)

PhD. Lecturer in Music, Queen's University Belfast

Tactile Speech

Visiting Scholar (10 May 2018-9 Jul 2018)

Visiting Scholar (16 Apr 2018-11 May 2018)

PhD, Assistant Professor of Art History, University of Toronto

Open Office Design and the Acoustics of the Knowledge Economy

Visiting Scholar (1 Jun 2018-31 Aug 2018)


George Maciunas, Fluxus, and Media Technologies of Empire

Visiting Scholar (Jun 2019-21 Jun 2019)

PhD, Henry and Julia Weisman Schutt Chair in Music Associate Professor, University of California, Berkeley, USA

The Political Ecology of Sound Insulation

Visiting Scholar (15 Jul 2018-16 Sep 2018)

Senior Lecturer in Art History, University of Sussex

Sound, Materiality and the Social Lives of Objects

Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (1 Oct 2018-28 Feb 2019)

PhD candidate

Der Schwingkreis: Schaltungsgeschichte(n) an den Rändern von Musik und Medien

Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (Jun 2018-30 Jun 2018)

The Electronic Circuit as Post–Musical Score

Visiting Scholar (26 Apr 2018-31 May 2018)

Visiting Scholar (15 Feb 2016-8 Apr 2016)

Artist in Residence (15 Apr 2016-9 May 2016)

Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (1 Oct 2018-30 Nov 2018)

PhD candidate, Department of History, Central European University Budapest

Rationality of Noise: Gathering of Acoustic Information during the Cold War

Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (1 Feb 2019-30 Apr 2019)

PhD candidate, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Inventing the Decibel: An Episode in the History of Sonic Thinking

Visiting Scholar (9 Nov 2016-18 Jan 2017)

PhD, Professor of German Literature, Basel University

Research Scholar (1 Jan 2018-31 Dec 2019)


Tuning the World: A Global History of Acoustics at the Crossroads of Aesthetics, Politics, Science and Industry (1834–1939)

Visiting Scholar (1 May 2019-31 Jul 2019)

PhD, Associate Professor of History, Mississippi State University

Listening to Nature: Standardized Soundscapes and Imagined Ecologies, 1900–2000

Visiting Scholar (1 Jul 2016-15 Sep 2016)

PhD, Professor of History, New York University

Visiting Scholar (1 Feb 2017-31 Mar 2017)

PhD, Historian of Medicine, Groningen University

A Historical and Critical Neuroscience of Music

Visiting Scholar (12 Feb 2018-31 Mar 2018)

Visiting Scholar (11 Mar 2019-11 Apr 2019)


Tines and Waves

Visiting Scholar (1 Mar 2019-30 Apr 2019)

PhD, ERC Research Professor, Faculty of Music and The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities, University of Oxford

Musica, Vox, Cantus, Sonus: Late Medieval Concepts of Sound and Listening, the Sonic World of the Thirteenth to Fifteenth Centuries, and the "Sonic Turn" in the Historical Disciplines Today

Visiting Scholar (Jan 2016-31 Jan 2016)

Prof. Dr., Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen, Capaciteitsgroep Muziekwetenschap, University of Amsterdam

Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (1 Jan 2017-31 Dec 2017)

MA, Doctoral Student, Freie Universität Berlin

Listening Techniques in Post-Reformation Geneva: Evidence from the Registers of the Consistory (1542–1555)

Visiting Scholar (Jul 2016-15 Jul 2016)

PhD, Associate Professor of the History of Science, Harvard University

Visiting Scholar (Jun 2017-30 Jun 2017)

PhD, Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies, Princeton University

"Don't Write! Just Speak!": Towards a Media-Archaeology of Voice Mail

Postdoctoral Fellow (1 Sep 2017-31 Aug 2019)

Signal, Symbol, Measure, Model: Acoustic Processing and Computational Knowledge

Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (Apr 2017-30 Apr 2017)

PhD, Researcher, Centre Marc Bloch

Synchronizing Sounded Communities: Acoustical Practices in the Minute’s Silence and Early Radio Theory

Visiting Scholar (1 Nov 2018-31 Jan 2019)

PhD, Emeritus Research Director, THALIM Research Unit, Paris

Theatrical Spoken-Word Records in Germany and France, 1950–1970: Repertoire, Production, Distribution, Use

Visiting Scholar (1 Nov 2016-31 Mar 2017)

Dr., Prof. Dr., University of Potsdam

Authors Voices on Records and Radio, 1889–1932

Visiting Scholar (Jun 2019-30 Jun 2019)

Visiting Scholar (1 Oct 2017-31 Dec 2017)

PD Dr. phil., Research Associate and Lecturer, Musicology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Volume and Vibration. A Media and Knowledge History of Public Address Systems between Electroacoustics, Politics and Music, Germany circa 1930

Visiting Scholar (1 Jul 2016-15 Aug 2016)

PhD, Professor of Science and Technology Studies, Cornell University

Visiting Scholar (22 Jun 2017-21 Aug 2017)

PhD, Fanny Peabody Professor of Music, Harvard University

Friedrich Wilhelm Opelt (1794–1863): Proto-digital Music Theory

Visiting Scholar (3 Apr 2018-31 May 2018)

PhD, Associate Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication

Algorithmic Modeling of Musical Time

Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (1 Feb 2019-30 Apr 2019)

PhD candidate

Inventing the Decibel: An Episode in the History of Sonic Thinking

Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (15 May 2017-15 Aug 2017)

PhD, Postdoctoral Associate, Cornell University

Reading as Listening: The Birth of Cultural Acoustics 1764-1803

Visiting Scholar (1 Jun 2018-31 Aug 2018)

Music and the Limits of Psychology, 1910–1960

Visiting Scholar (Jun 2019-30 Jun 2019)

PhD, Professor, Department of Art History and Communication Studies, McGill University, Montreal, Canada

Tuning Time: Sequences from the History of Time Stretching and Pitch Shifting

Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (5 Mar 2018-31 May 2018)

Radio-Activities: The Architecture of Broadcasting in Cold War Berlin

Visiting Scholar (15 Mar 2019-15 Apr 2019)

PhD, Professor of History, Princeton University

Sound Effects: Technicians and the Talkies in the American Film Industry, 1925-1933

Visiting Scholar (10 May 2016-17 Jun 2016)

PhD, Assistant Professor of Art History, Bard College

Predoctoral Fellow (1 May 2020-30 Jun 2021)

Collecting Ears: Marin Mersenne and the Study of Music in Early Modern Europe

Visiting Scholar (Oct 2016-31 Oct 2016)


Visiting Scholar (Mar 2017-30 Mar 2017)


Visiting Scholar (1 Jun 2019-31 Jul 2019)

Dr. philos., Associate Professor of History of Science and Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Acoustics, Sound Technologies and Music in Early 20th Century India

Visiting Scholar (Sep 2018-18 Sep 2018)

PhD, Research Group Leader, Research Institute for History and Technology, Deutsches Museum

Music of Metallurgy: Bell-Founding Metal for Musical Instruments

Visiting Scholar (Sep 2016-30 Sep 2016)

Dr. phil., Scientific Assistant of Musicology, Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU) Munich