"Es wäre vermessen, Gott mit absoluter Sicherheit auszuschließen"

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The World Needs Supergrids, But There's a Problem


Will we find the final theory? - 42 - The answer to almost everything


Accademia Nazionale Di San Luca - Roger Penrose


Director Jürgen Renn Awarded Honorary Doctorate by Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Petro-Melancholy. The Petroleum Age as Mirrored in Art (in German)


Die Uhren gaben nicht den Ausschlag

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
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Klare Begriffe schaden auch nicht in der Physik

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
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Cécile Vogt – Nobelpreiswürdig und fast vergessen

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No 79
Maier Atalanta Fugiens, 1618.

A Vital Force? Exploring Agricultural Uses of Alchemy in Early Modern Europe, ca. 1550-1730

According to the authors of early modern agrarian manuals, agriculture was in crisis. Soils had become depleted, crops grew smaller and fewer in number, and the growing seasons were shorter and...