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397 Search Results

Leonardo's Intellectual Cosmos

Drawing of paper sheets flying through the exhibition. No 76 The intellectual cosmos of Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) is seemingly inexhaustible. It echoes the diversity and cultural abundance of the Renaissance, which he embodies in all its facets like few others of his time. He applied his curiosity and creative commitment to all fields of knowledge, from the forces of nature, both large and small, to all varieties of human form and design.
  • Jürgen Renn
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    Leonardos intellektueller Kosmos

    Drawing of paper sheets flying through the exhibition. No 76 Der intellektuelle Kosmos Leonardo da Vincis (1452–1519) scheint ebenso unerschöpflich zu sein, wie die Vielfalt und der kulturelle Reichtum der Renaissance, die er wie nur wenige andere in allen ihren Facetten verkörpert. Seine Neugier und sein schöpferisches Engagement galten allen Wissensbereichen, von den Kräften der Natur im Großen und Kleinen bis in alle Varietäten menschlicher Gestalt und Gestaltung.
  • Jürgen Renn
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    Dreams of Unification: The Role of Mathematics in Final Theory Programs

    Albert Einstein at Princeton, standing in front of a blackboard No 78 In striving towards deeper scientific understanding, major fields of research in contemporary theoretical physics have developed into highly formal and mathematically intricate frameworks. Well-known examples include string theory and quantum gravity. Yet the empirical success of such theories is still pending.
  • Bernadette Lessel
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