Book cover
Oil: Schönheit und Schrecken des Erdölzeitalters. Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg. Oil: Beauty and Horror in the Petrol Age

Erdöl — kein anderer Rohstoff durchdringt so viele Bereiche unseres Lebens: unsere Städte, unsere Körper, unsere Emotionen. Die Publikation Oil. Schönheit und Schrecken des Erdölzeitalters bietet komplex und vielfältig wie nie zuvor einen transdisziplinären Einblick in das globale Zeitalter des Erdöls und wie es Kunst und Künstler*innen inspirierte. Anhand rund 250 internationaler künstlerischer Positionen vom Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts bis heute sowie historischer Objekte, die bis ins Altertum zurückreichen, wird dieser ambivalente Stoff mit all seinen komplexen wissenschaftlichen, technologischen und kulturellen Verbindungen und Kontexten auf 400 Seiten mit rund 350 Abbildungen beleuchtet.

No other substance has shaped societies in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries as much as petroleum. Airplanes, tanks, and spacecraft, motorways, shopping malls and suburban settlements, nylon stockings, mountains of plastic, and vinyl – key materials and technologies, lifestyles and visions of our time owe their existence to the energy density and transformability of oil. Now, however, the dusk of the “petrol age” is looming, whereby neither can its end be precisely dated, nor its consequences adequately assessed. The exhibition Oil. Beauty and Horror in the Petrol Age therefore takes a speculative, poetic look back at the presence of the modern age of petroleum, which has lasted for roughly one hundred years. From the distance of a hypothetical future, we ask what was typical of our time, what was great and beautiful, what was ugly and terrible, and how all this is reflected in art and culture.

No other substance has shaped societies in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries as much as petroleum. Airplanes, tanks, and spacecraft, motorways, shopping malls and suburban settlements, nylon stockings, mountains of plastic, and vinyl – key materials and technologies, lifestyles and visions of our time owe their existence to the energy density and transformability of oil. Now, however, the dusk of the “petrol age” is looming, whereby neither can its end be precisely dated, nor its consequences adequately assessed. The exhibition Oil. Beauty and Horror in the Petrol Age therefore takes a speculative, poetic look back at the presence of the modern age of petroleum, which has lasted for roughly one hundred years. From the distance of a hypothetical future, we ask what was typical of our time, what was great and beautiful, what was ugly and terrible, and how all this is reflected in art and culture.
No other substance has shaped societies in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries as much as petroleum. Airplanes, tanks, and spacecraft, motorways, shopping malls and suburban settlements, nylon stockings, mountains of plastic, and vinyl – key materials and technologies, lifestyles and visions of our time owe their existence to the energy density and transformability of oil. Now, however, the dusk of the “petrol age” is looming, whereby neither can its end be precisely dated, nor its consequences adequately assessed. The exhibition Oil. Beauty and Horror in the Petrol Age therefore takes a speculative, poetic look back at the presence of the modern age of petroleum, which has lasted for roughly one hundred years. From the distance of a hypothetical future, we ask what was typical of our time, what was great and beautiful, what was ugly and terrible, and how all this is reflected in art and culture.
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König
978-3-7533-0097-9 (dt. Ausg.) 978-3-7533-0096-2 (engl. ed.)
Deutsch, English