
13th Scholars’ Forum for Literature and the History of Science

The Institute of German and Dutch Philology and the Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School of the Freie Universität Berlin invite, in cooperation with the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, participants to a block seminar for junior scientists working in the field of “Literature and Science.” The Study Day in Literature and History of Science will take place on Friday, June 29, 2018 from 10:00 to 19:00 at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. The study day offers all those interested in literature and the history of science an open forum to discuss their own texts. Preliminary results of unfinished work are presented and commented on. In order to be discussed as intensively as possible, the contributions (10–20 pages, German or English) are sent in advance to all those who have registered to participate. Discussion of the contributions The discussions of the talks are introduced by a commentary and a response by the author. One hour will be scheduled per contribution.

If you are interested, we kindly ask you to submit a suggestion for a contribution by February 25, 2018. Please include a title, a short exposé (around one page long), and a brief indication of institutional affiliation. After compiling the program and distributing the comments, the full texts must be available latest June 3, 2018 (as a PDF file) so that we can send them with enough time for participants to read. To register for participation in the study day, please respond by June 17, 2018.