
Sep 26, 2018
Science in Conservation

Our opening discussion will consider how conservation initiatives can generate significant conflict over land use, particularly with respect to the effect these initiatives have on so-called ‘cultural landscapes’ and the complex ways they’re valued by different interest groups. We'll take as our starting point the recent controversy over efforts to ‘re-wet’ certain British uplands but no-one should feel they need to have developed a particular understanding of this case study to join the conversation.


MPIWG, Boltzmannstraße 22, 14195 Berlin, Germany

Room 141
Contact and Registration
About This Series

We will explore the porous disciplinary border between history of science and history of nature conservation. In doing so we aim to look at how science and conservation have acted upon each other in different social, political and cultural frameworks and also at how they have responded together to pressures and influences produced by the broader context. We’ll look in particular at how the interaction between conservation science and nature conservation in all their facets has been shaped by issues of power, judgement, and materiality.

2018-09-26T12:00:00SAVE IN I-CAL 2018-09-26 12:00:00 2018-09-26 13:00:00 Science in Conservation Our opening discussion will consider how conservation initiatives can generate significant conflict over land use, particularly with respect to the effect these initiatives have on so-called ‘cultural landscapes’ and the complex ways they’re valued by different interest groups. We'll take as our starting point the recent controversy over efforts to ‘re-wet’ certain British uplands but no-one should feel they need to have developed a particular understanding of this case study to join the conversation. Wilko Graf von Hardenberg Wilko Graf von Hardenberg Europe/Berlin public