
Jun 27, 2023
Impact of Agricultural Practices on Pollinators, Pollination, and Food Production in Cameroon

Maintenance of a rich diversity of bee species can enhance the stability of pollination and thereby food security. However, pollinators are threatened by agricultural practices in Cameroon, where 91% of farmers use pesticides on crops without considering the side effects on pollinators in general and on bees in particular. In addition, there is habitat loss due to expanding agriculture: 99% of farmers cut down trees and spray herbicides to clean up new fields. This activity drastically reduces habitat facilities of pollinators. The effects of such agricultural practices are the loss of bee colonies, decreasing soil fertility, and a drastic decline in biodiversity. Although a legal framework on pesticide registration, distribution, and use exists, regulations are not strictly implemented by the farmers. An effective communication between beekeepers and crop growers is thus important for sustainable development in Cameroon.


Agricultural Practices Flyer

Boltzmannstraße 22, 14195 Berlin, Germany
Main Conference Room & Online
Contact and Registration

This event is open to all, no registration required. For further informations, please contact: Tilman Musch (tmusch@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de).

Zoom-Meeting: https://eu01web.zoom.us/j/67000610793?pwd=Uyt1bDUyRzkwVm81NU5xNEl1WEhodz09
Meeting-ID: 670 0061 0793
Code: 795652

2023-06-27T10:00:00SAVE IN I-CAL 2023-06-27 10:00:00 2023-06-27 12:00:00 Impact of Agricultural Practices on Pollinators, Pollination, and Food Production in Cameroon Maintenance of a rich diversity of bee species can enhance the stability of pollination and thereby food security. However, pollinators are threatened by agricultural practices in Cameroon, where 91% of farmers use pesticides on crops without considering the side effects on pollinators in general and on bees in particular. In addition, there is habitat loss due to expanding agriculture: 99% of farmers cut down trees and spray herbicides to clean up new fields. This activity drastically reduces habitat facilities of pollinators. The effects of such agricultural practices are the loss of bee colonies, decreasing soil fertility, and a drastic decline in biodiversity. Although a legal framework on pesticide registration, distribution, and use exists, regulations are not strictly implemented by the farmers. An effective communication between beekeepers and crop growers is thus important for sustainable development in Cameroon. Speaker Mazi Sanda Mazi Sanda is a junior associate professor, entomologist, and beekeeper at the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Ngaoundere, Cameroon. His expertise includes pollination ecology, bee biodiversity (morphometry and molecular analysis through DNA barcoding), conservation, bee population genetics, ecotoxicology (impact of pesticides on animal health with special focus on bees), beekeeping in general with a particular interest in “smart beehive” technology, and agroecology. Besides numerous scientific papers and four ethnographic films, his book Honey Hunting and Beekeeping in Adamaoua (Cameroon) (Cologne: Rüdiger Köppe) was published in 2019. Download Flyer Africa Initiative_Agricultural Practices.pdf Boltzmannstraße 22, 14195 Berlin, Germany Main Conference Room & Online Tilman Musch Tilman Musch Europe/Berlin public