Oct 14, 2022
"Childbirth Technologies"— Reading Group
- 19:00 to 20:30
- Reading Group
- Dept. III
Contact and Registration
For registration or any questions about the meetings please contact ideoliveiradornelas@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de.
Zoom link will be provided via request ideoliveiradornelas@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de.
About This Series
The monthly reading and works-in-progress group will investigate childbirth technologies across regions, cultures, and time periods. Guiding questions include how technologies emerge from childbirth-related practices and how practices change reproductive bodies and obstetrical tools. We will discuss our own work-in-progress as well as secondary literature, depending on the interests of the participants. One focus will be on the comparative epistemic and socio-material relations of these technologies. Instead of understanding knowledge and object as separate issues, we explore how they emerge together and what kind of relations are enacted through them.