profile picture of Grace S. Fong

Grace S. Fong

Visiting Scholar (Jun 2019)

PhD, Professor, Deptartment of East Asian Studies and Richard Charles & Esther Yewpick Lee Chair in Chinese Cultural Studies, McGill University

Grace S. Fong is Professor of Chinese Literature in the Department of East Asian Studies at McGill University. She received her PhD in classical Chinese poetry from the University of British Columbia. As Guggenheim Fellow in 2011-2012, she was a visiting professor at both the University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research interests encompass classical Chinese poetry and poetics, women writers of Ming and Qing China, and autobiographical practices in the Chinese literary tradition. She is editor of the "Women and Gender in China Studies" series published by Brill. Her book, Herself an Author: Gender, Agency, and Writing in Late Imperial China, was a Choice “Outstanding Academic Title, 2008.” Engaged in exploring the potential of developments in digital humanities for new modes of critical inquiry in the domain of literary studies, she has been directing the Ming Qing Women’s Writings digital archive and database project since its inception in 2003. Using the digitized local gazetteers and the supporting digital tools at the Max Planck Institute, she will map the temporal and spatial dimensions in her new project on “The Filiality of Daughters in China: A Genealogical Study.”


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The Filiality of Daughters in Imperial China: A Genealogical Study


Presentations, Talks, & Teaching Activities

Lecture at the Digital Scholarship Lab, CUHK Library: Writing and Local Identity: Literary Women of the Pearl River Delta of Guangdong in the 18th and 19th Centuries

Chinese University of Hong Kong

School of Chinese Undergraduate seminar CHIN 2171: Women’s autobiographical writings in the Ming and Qing (in Chinese)

University of Hong Kong

Keynote Address, International Conference on the Ming and Qing in the 21st Century: New Discoveries, New Perspectives, and New Horizons: “友誼與性別: 明清女性的同性友愛” (The Gender of Friendship: Female Homosociality in Late Imperial China)

University of Hong Kong

East Asian Languages and Literatures Annual Public Lecture: The Meaning of Daughterly Filiality at the End of Empire: The Life and Poetry of Chen Yun (1885-1911)

Smith College

Inaugural Pai Hsien-yung Visiting Scholar Lecture: Consuming Poppies: Women’s Responses to Opium and the Opium Wars in Qing China

University of California, Santa Barbara