- Presentation
- Sep 22, 2020
- 01:14:42
Institute's Colloquium: Covid-19 in the Rearview Mirror?
The Institute’s Colloquium occurs once per month during the academic year. The usual format is 45 minutes of presentation by the paper's author, followed by 45 minutes of Q&A discussion.
How have research questions and practices changed since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic? This roundtable discussion looks back at the tumultuous year that has passed thus far. Panelists will reflect upon methodological changes for their work as a result of the outbreak and since they produced their videos for the MPIWG’s “History of Science ON CALL” project in 2020.
- Harry Yi-Jui Wu (Hong Kong University)
- Edna Bonhomme (MPIWG)
- Anna Elsner (University of Zurich)
Moderated by Lisa Onaga (MPIWG)
MPIWG—Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Music by: Jon Luc Hefferman, CC BY-NC 3.0