
Guillaume Yon

Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (Feb 2018-Jan 2020)

PhD, Berliner Zentrum für Wissensgeschichte

Guillaume Yon received his PhD in sociology of science from the Centre de sociologie de l’innovation, École des mines de Paris, in 2016. His research focuses on the work of engineer-economists on pricing and investments planning in the electricity sector in France after the Second World War. This case allows him to study the production of economic knowledge when it is closely associated with solving practical and politically contentious problems, and the role of economists and economic calculations in policy-making processes. Guillaume is in charge of the book reviews section of the newly founded Journal of Energy History / Revue d’histoire de l’énergie. He is a member of the interdisciplinary research group “Climate-Energy” of the French CNRS.


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Economics as a Coordination Tool: Investment Planning in Électricité de France, from Nationalization to the '70s


Past Events


The Pricing of Electricity in Postwar France