Images Don't Lie (?)
- Dec 11, 2017
- New Publication
- Dept. Renn
- Matteo VallerianiRifat-Sara PearlLiron Ben Arzi
Resources used for teaching at medieval universities became increasingly enriched by pictorial material, particularly during the fourteenth century. This preprint by Matteo Valleriani, Rifat-Sara Pearl, and Liron Ben Arzi explores the epistemic function of pictorial material—images of science—in the context of medieval and early modern medicine, alchemy, and anatomy. Originally based on a seminar delivered at the Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas at the University of Tel Aviv by Matteo Valleriani, the work is the result of a science history exhibition supported by curator Yifat-Sara Pearl, for which students collaborated with artist and designer Liron Ben Arzi to further develop their research activities.

Liron Ben Arzi with a Virtual Reality headset.

Zodiac man. Source: Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, France, 1412–1416, painted by the Limbourg brothers, Les Collections du musée Condé, Ms.65, f. 14v. Wikimedia Commons.