profile picture of Philippe Mongin

Philippe Mongin

Visiting Scholar (Jan 2017-Feb 2017)

PhD, Affiliate Professor of Economics and Philosophy, HEC Paris

Philippe Mongin is Senior Research Fellow at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and has been an Affiliate Professor of Economics and Philosophy at HEC Paris since 2006. He holds an agrégation in philosophy and a PhD in economic science, and has dedicated a large part of his research work to economic theory and its conceptual and mathematical foundations.

Philippe’s work has been published among others in the Journal of Economic Theory and Economics and Philosophy, which he managed from 1995 to 2000. His main research interests include issues raised by instrumental rationality hypotheses and by the collective aggregation of judgments and preferences. He has also used formal logic to study individual and strategic decision-making models. This work has been published in Synthese, Games and Economic Behavior, and Journal of Philosophical Logic.


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Analytic Narratives and the Semantics of Formal Decision Theories