profile picture of Yijie Huang

Yijie Huang

Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (Sep 2022-Nov 2022)

Yijie Huang is a PhD candidate in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Cambridge, where she is completing a dissertation on the knowledge and practice of pulse diagnosis in late seventeenth-century England. At the MPIWG, her project examines the exchange of pulse-lore between China and Europe during the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. As part of the “Local Gazetteers” Working Group in Department III, she is investigating the rise and fall of visual representation in the European translations of Chinese pulse medicine in the early Enlightenment. Yijie’s article on seventeenth-century English anatomist and physician Edmund King’s observation and analogical thinking of the pulse won the 2021 Annals of Science Best Paper Prize. Beyond her current research topic, she has a growing interest in the disease category of fever and its related medical dynamic in early modern Europe and East Asia.


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Traveling the Graphic Tactility: Chinese Pulse Illustrations in Seventeenth Century Europe