
Jens Høyrup

Visiting Scholar (Dez 2016-Dez 2023)

Prof. Dr. emeritus

Jens Høyrup is an Honorary Research Fellow, Institute for the History of Natural Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has taught and researched extensively on the history of natural, human and social science in the specialization cycle of philosophy and science studies, occasionally also philosophical topics; philosophy, history of ideas, history of sciences in the cycle of general humanities. His first visit to the MPIWG was in 1994–1995 and he has since had many shorter-term stays. He is in intermittent residence at the MPIWG until December 2019.



Science and Theories of Knowledge until the Mid-twentieth Century


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Nachrichten & Presse

Neue Preprints: Jens Høyrup, „Sanskrit-Prakrit interaction in elementary mathematics as reflected in Arabic and Italian formulations of the rule of three – and something more on the rule elsewhere“ und „A hypothetical history of Old Babylonian mathematics: places, passages, stages, development“.
Neue Preprints von Alfred Gierer, Horst Nowacki, Jens Hoyrup, Horst-Heino v. Borzeszkowski & Renate Wahsner sind erschienen (Nr. 388-391).