Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2022–2023)
“Heal Thyself": Citizens and the Construction of Knowledges of Care in Contemporary Iran
Visiting Scholar (2019)
A Scholarly Way of Life in the Making, 1470-1630 (Book project)
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2020–2021)
Engineered Modernity: A Critical History of Computing in People's Republic of China
Visiting Scholar (2016–2017)
The Construction of Deaf-Muteness and the Writing of Norms in Western Europe and the United States (Seventeenth to Nineteenth Centuries)
Visiting Senior Research Fellow (2023–2024)
Premodern History of Signification: Putting Experiences into Words, Images, and Signs
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2018)
Beyond the Canon: Towards a History of Mathematical Practices in India
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2020)
The Vegetative Soul and Plants in the Study of Life and Living Bodies
Affiliated Scholar (2022)
Can Illustrations Help to Know God? The Case of Hildegard of Bingen’s Rupertsberg Codex
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2023–2024)
Erfassung der Psyche und Einhegung von Körperlichkeit: Die Geschichte apparativen, psychologischen Testens und das Verhältnis von Hand- und Kopfarbeit
Visiting Senior Research Fellow (2019–2024)
The Codex Ashb. 361 (Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Florence, Italy) and the manuscript O (Biblioteca Panizzi, Reggio Emilia, Italy): From Leonardo da Vinci’s Codices to Giovanni Battista Venturi’s studies
Visiting Scholar (2017)
The Ethological Theodicy of Locust Infestation in Early Modern China
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2017)
Scribal Scholars: The Manuscript Economy of Overseas Natural History in France, 1660–1760
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2023)
“Arsenic Valley”: Cultural Histories of Environmentalism and Computing
Visiting Scholar (2018)
History of Medicine and Science in China, 1500–1800; Materiality of Knowledge as Presented in Ming–Qing Local Gazetteers. A Social History of Medical Recipes in Early Modern China
Visiting Scholar (2018)
Researching Radio: Sound Archives and Discipline Formation, 1930-1945
Visiting Scholar (2017)
Tools of the Phrenological Trade: Gender and Practices in Antebellum America
Visiting Scholar (2020)
History of Experimental Psychology. The Cambridge Psychological Laboratory in the 1940s and the Problems of Pilot Error and Fatigue
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2016–2018)
Art and Deception: Functions, Techniques and Effects of Material Mimesis
Postdoctoral Fellow (2017–2020)
Mapping the Arab City: Alexandria, Cairo and Tunis in the Early Modern Period
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2019)
Gottfried Leibniz's Networks: Science at the Confluence of Practice and Sociability
Digital Content Curator (2022–2024)
Digital Content Curator Working Group 'Visualization and Material Cultures of the Heavens' in Abt. III
Visiting Senior Research Fellow (2023–2024)
Itineraries of Astral Imagery and Their Economic Contexts Between 500 BCE and 1500 CE
Senior Research Scholar (2014–2017)
Another Green World: Tropical Trees and American Jungle
Visiting Scholar (2018)
Liberal Sound: Milton Babbitt and the RCA Synthesizer
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2022–2023)
Empire of the Night Sky: The Politics of Astrological Knowledge in Qing China
Research Scholar (2015–2018)
Sound Science: Recording and Listening in the Biology of Bird Song, Listening and The Shaping of Work Performance in the Twentieth Century
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2021–2022)
Between Astronomy, Astrology, and Religion: The Planets and their Visualizations in the Graeco-Roman Wider Mediterranean (ca. 300 BCE to 600 CE)
Postdoctoral Fellow (2017)
Privileged Knowledge. The Politics of Print in the Early Dutch Republic
Visiting Scholar (2023)
Wissenschaftliche Entdeckung, Serendipity, und Gedankenexperiment
Visiting Scholar (2023)
Figures of the Invisible: Geometrical Icons in Renaissance Christian Humanism, 1300-1600
Visiting Scholar (2018)
Rewriting Women’s Bodies in Medieval Medical Epistemology
Predoctoral Fellow (2024)
Wissenschaftliches Projekt: Inconsistencies in quantum field theories: replacement vs. refinement?
Visiting Scholar (2016–2017)
Architecture and Empire in the Reign of the Yongle Emperor, 1402–1424
Visiting Scholar (2022)
The Mobility of Natural History Collections: Dead Animals, Museums, and Digitization
Visiting Scholar (2017–2018)
Between Law and Science: Unsoundness of Mind in Anglo–American Medical Jurisprudence
Visiting Senior Research Fellow (2024)
Science Films, their Festivals and Archives: the Strange Case of the International Festival of Scientific and Educational Film (1956-1975)
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2021–2022)
Mathematics, the Body and the Soul: Nicolaus Steno and the Search for Certainty in the 17th Century
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2021)
Roger Penrose's Approach to Quantum Gravity
Visiting Scholar (2018)
Early Vernacular Medical Books, Users and Uses, Impact
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2023)
Science as Prophecy: Measuring Climates Past, Present and Future
Visiting Scholar (2016–2018)
In Search of Unknown Craftsmen: Trade, Tribute, and the Invention of Bingata
Visiting Scholar (2018)
The Changing Cosmology and Knowledge of the Tiger lands in Buddhist Asia
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2019)
Roads and Localities: A Perspective from Local Gazetteers on Road Construction in Eighteenth-century China
Visiting Scholar (2017)
Distribution of Knowledge: Spatial Analysis on China's Ancient Private Libraries
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2017–2018)
Nutritional Filth: Agricultural Uses of Animal Waste in Late Imperial China
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2020)
Experience and Observation in Narboni's Commentaries on Maimonides' Treatises
Visiting Scholar (2019–2020)
A Comparative Study on the Knowledge Structures of Local Gazetteers
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2021)
CRISPR-Cas9 to Improve the Population Quality?
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2017)
Goethe’s Experiments in Music and Theater, 1791–1817
Visiting Scholar (2018)
Open Office Design and the Acoustics of the Knowledge Economy
Visiting Scholar (2018)
George Maciunas, Fluxus, and Media Technologies of Empire
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2018)
Perfecting Nature: A History of Science, Animals,and Spanish Empire
Visiting Senior Research Fellow (2022–2024)
Testing Chemicals and Validating Tests: Regulatory Practices and Politics
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2017)
The Relations between the Epistemic Virtues of Impartiality and Objectivity in French 19th-century Historiography, especially in the Context of the Dreyfus Affair
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2022)
Fishy Stories: Multidisciplinary Methods of Tracing Cod Remains in the Early Modern Northwest Atlantic
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2018–2019)
Hidden Reserves in Socialist Planning: From Historical Consciousness to Science and Expertise
Visiting Scholar (2022–2023)
Numeracy in Ancient Greece and Rome
Visiting Senior Research Fellow (2021–2023)
Twentieth-Century Health Diplomacy and Antimicrobial Resistance
Visiting Scholar (2017)
Collecting Technology in the Age of Empire: Global Encounters and the Transformation of Nature
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2023–2024)
Latin-into-Hebrew: Medieval Natural Science across Linguistic Boundaries
Visiting Scholar (2017)
The Epistemological Transformation of Mechanics in the Nineteenth Century: Interactions between Mathematics, Physics, and Philosophy
Visiting Scholar (2016–2017)
The City as Nature: An Intellectual History of the City in Middle-Period China, 800–1150
Research Scholar (2016–2020)
Transmission and History of Antique Scientific Texts such as Ptolemy’s Geography, using Computational Humanities
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2017–2018)
Between Marvel and Machine. From the "image de nigromance" to the Mechanised "Engin": The Automation in the Middle Ages
Visiting Scholar (2018)
Sound, Materiality and the Social Lives of Objects
Visiting Scholar (2019)
The Liver in Egypt: Productions of an Organ through 20th–Century Public Health and Political Economy
Affiliated Scholar (2022)
The Experience of Uncertainty: Generation in European Medicine, 1500-1650
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2018–2019)
Der Schwingkreis: Schaltungsgeschichte(n) an den Rändern von Musik und Medien
Visiting Scholar (2018–2019)
Wild Silk of West Africa: Towards an Indigenous Science of Materials
Visiting Scholar (2017)
Local Gazetteers in Republican China: Spatial-Order Continuity and the Modern-Tradition Divide
Visiting Scholar (2017)
Jean Senebier (1742-1809) and the Eighteenth-century ars observandi
Postdoctoral Fellow (2022–2024)
Standardization in Post-War Life Sciences
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2019)
Empire of Routine: The Unexpected Administrative Revolution of the Eighteenth Century Qing State
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2018)
The Electronic Circuit as Post–Musical Score
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2019–2020)
Meat, Cattle, and a Capital City: Slaughterhouses, Animals, and Meat Production in Rio de Janeiro during the Last Years of the Brazilian Empire
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2018)
The Scientific and Cultural Phenomenon of European Bison in the 19th–Early 20th Century
Visiting Scholar (2023)
Lost People on the Ming Frontiers: Captivity and Labor Acquisition in Early Modern China
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2019–2020)
Nature and Nation: Documentation and the Practice of "Natural History" at the Australian Museum, 1840–1890
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2017–2018)
Writing the "Thesaurus" of Latinity: A Study in the History of Philological Practice
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2018–2019)
Agents of Violence: Naval Technology and Late Qing China in Global Arms Trade, 1875-1911
Research Group Leader (2019)
Thinking in Tables: Translating Medical Knowledge in Seventeenth-Century Europe
Postdoctoral Fellow (2018)
Renormalization After 1950
Visiting Scholar (2018–2019)
The Uses and Abuses of Things: Reconceptualizing Technology-in-Use within the History of Technology
Visiting Scholar (2017)
The Historical Construction of British Sociology of Scientific Knowledge in its First Two Decades, from 1970s to 1990s
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2022–2024)
The Classical Age of Quantum Gravity: from Dirac to Wheeler
Affiliated Scholar (2023)
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2021–2023)
Concepts from mesoscopic physics in particle physics. Unveiling a success story in modern science
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2018)
Rationality of Noise: Gathering of Acoustic Information during the Cold War
Visiting Scholar (2018)
The Neurology of Regicide: Decapitation Experiments and the Science of Sovereignty
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2019)
Inventing the Decibel: An Episode in the History of Sonic Thinking
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2021)
Of Soils and Stars: Jesuit perceptions of Chinese agricultural practices through calendrical construction
Visiting Scholar (2018)
Medical Practice in 12th-Century China as Reflected in Medical Case Records
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2018)
A Million Horses: The Geography and Economy of Frontier Horse Ranches in Early Ming China
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2017)
Gendered History of Pathology: Blood Clots and Hormones in Women
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2020–2021)
The Treadmill of Protection: Evaluating the Social Costs of Saving Disappearing Coasts
Research Scholar (2018–2019)
Tuning the World: A Global History of Acoustics at the Crossroads of Aesthetics, Politics, Science and Industry (1834–1939)
Visiting Scholar (2024)
The Politicization of Science in China: A Case Study of Smog Governance
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2017)
Serpents and Empire: Modern Encounters with Natural History, c. 1780-1870
Artist in Residence (2018)
"Can machines think? - History of the Human, Computational, and Behavioral Sciences in the Twentieth and Early Twenty-first Century
Visiting Scholar (2016)
Measuring the Heaven and Earth: Jesuits and Their Scientific Activity in China
Senior Research Fellow (2024)
The Impossible Science: A Critical Sociology of Pain Science
Visiting Senior Research Fellow (2023)
hat was, who were, and where were yi from 12th- to 16th-century China?
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2020–2021)
The Rhythms of War and Farming in Early Modern China and Korea
Affiliated Scholar (2022)
Transience: Politics and Practices of Time in the Chinese Period of Division (4th–7th centuries)
Visiting Scholar (2019)
The Known and the Lived: Melitta Schiller–Stauffenberg, 1903–1945
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2018–2019)
Mediterranean Nautical Cartography in Arabic and Ottoman Turkish: Islands or Gateways of Knowledge in the Sea of Transcultural and Translinguistic Translation Processes?
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2021)
Fertiliser Knowledge in Ming-Qing China: Construction, Distribution, and Circulation
Visiting Scholar (2023)
Matter, Causation, and Experimental Knowledge in Early Modern Scholastic Natural Science from Colonial Chile and Ecuador
Visiting Scholar (2017)
Hand Mnemonics and Counting Skills: Reducing Uncertainty through Fate Computation
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2017–2018)
Colonial Ears: Noise, Acoustics, and Hearing Bodies in Colonial Taiwan
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2016–2019)
From Electrotype to the Electric Image: The Search for Global Vision, ca. 1830-1936
Predoctoral Fellow (2018–2019)
Metaphor & Metaphysic: Henri Bergson & the Language of Epistemology in Fin-de-Siècle France
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2022)
Travelling the Graphic Tactility: Pulse Illustrations in Seventeenth-Century Medical Exchange between China and Europe
Visiting Scholar (2019)
Listening to Nature: Standardized Soundscapes and Imagined Ecologies, 1900–2000
Postdoctoral Fellow (2018–2020)
Biology for the Nation: The International Biological Program in South Korea and Taiwan during the Cold War Era, 1961-1975
Postdoctoral Fellow (2020)
Engineering Metropolis: Contagion, Capital, and the Making of British Colonial Cairo, 1882-1922
Visiting Scholar (2022)
Climate Change, Apicultures in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Ecological Overtones of Islamic Eschatology, Which Orient the Local Beekeeping Practices
Postdoctoral Scholar (2016–2023)
Visualization and Material Cultures of the Heavens: Image Database Eurasia and North Africa (4000 BCE–1700 CE)
Visiting Scholar (2018)
1. Studies on the Cultural History of the Chinese Translation of the Jihe yuanbe2. Communication and Transmission of Mathematical Knowledge along the Silk Road
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2020)
Experience of Soul and Body in the Chinese Jesuit Sciences, 1583-1683
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2017)
Archipelagic Empire: Space, Sailors, and Archives in the Making of of the Early-Modern Spanish Monarchy
Visiting Scholar (2018)
The Islamic Near East Collection at the Library of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Visiting Scholar (2019)
Touched Nature: A History of the Norwegian Leisure Cabin, 1850-2020
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2021–2022)
Artifact and Tonality: Musical Instrument Makers as Invisible Technicians in Twentieth Century South India
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2017–2018)
"The Myth of Greek Algebra": Philology and the Discovery of Calculus, 1580–1710
Postdoctoral Fellow (2013–2016)
Big Data and the Reconstruction of Linguistic Prehistory
Visiting Scholar (2018)
The Power of Ethnological Interpretation of Human Behavior During the Cold War and Beyond: Konrad Lorenz, Iräneus Eibl–Eibesfeldt, Wolfgang Wickler and the MPI for Behavioral Physiology
Visiting Scholar (2021–2022)
Diverse relationships between humans and other animals in cities
Visiting Scholar (2017)
A Historical and Critical Neuroscience of Music
Postdoctoral Fellow (2015–2017)
Expansive Science: Medium and Discipline in Southern Mexican Intellectual Practice, 1880–1920
Research Group Leader (2021–2024)
Practices of Validation in Biomedical Research
Affiliated Scholar (2022)
„Datenbank über Musikinstrumente in Gräbern aus den sechs Dynastien“
Visiting Scholar (2020)
Role of the Animals in Bohai and Jurchen Societies (on the Base of Studies of the Archeological Materials from Medieval Sites in the Russian Far East)
Affiliated Scholar (2022)
Galen’s Philosophic Science in the Compendium of the Timaeus according to the Arabic Translation of Ḥunayn ibn Isḥāq (CE 808-877)
Visiting Scholar (2021)
Working Group Transience: Politics and Practices of Time in the Chinese Period of Division (4th - 7th centuries) - (Chronoi) No Easy Way Out: Ge Hong's Rejection of Utopianism, while Attempting to Fix and Escape the World
Visiting Senior Research Fellow (2024)
Visiting Senior Research Fellow (2022–2024)
The Cooperation of German and Ukrainian Scientists in Agricultural Research (19th to First Half of the 20th Century)
Visiting Scholar (2020–2021)
Meat Consumption and Breeding of Cows in Late-Nineteenth Century Japan
Visiting Scholar (2019)
Musica, Vox, Cantus, Sonus: Late Medieval Concepts of Sound and Listening, the Sonic World of the Thirteenth to Fifteenth Centuries, and the "Sonic Turn" in the Historical Disciplines Today
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2018–2019)
The Formulations of Shape– and Weight–Based Economies in the Bronze Age
Visiting Scholar (2016–2017)
Stories of Tin City: Communist Ideology and Narrative Identity in the People's Republic of China
Visiting Scholar (2019)
"A Sincere and a Faithful Eye": Hand-Eye Co-ordination in Seventeenth-Century Natural Philosophy
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2017)
Listening Techniques in Post-Reformation Geneva: Evidence from the Registers of the Consistory (1542–1555)
Visiting Scholar (2018)
Good Science. Epistemic values and Scholarly Reputations. Europe, 1770-1830
Visiting Scholar (2023)
Subjectivity and Diagnosis in Greek and Roman Medicine
Visiting Scholar (2018–2022)
Analyzing the Patterns and Mechanisms Driving the Great Acceleration of the Anthropocence
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2016–2017)
Beauty and the Microscope: The Use, Design, and Values of Fashionable Instruments in the Enlightenment
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2017–2018)
Practicalities in “Practical Studies” in Nineteenth–Century Korea Thinking Social and Technological Innovation through Papermaking
Visiting Scholar (2016–2018)
Konkurrenzfähigkeit und Flexibilität im globalen Wettbewerb: Zur diskursiven Logik befristeter Verträge in der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
Research Scholar (2014–2017)
The Threat of the Desert: European Debates and Climate Change in the Late Nineteenth Century
Visiting Scholar (2018)
Shifting Baselines, Altered Horizons: Politics, Practice, and Knowledge in the Anthropocene
Visiting Scholar (2023–2025)
Visiting Scholar (2017)
"Don't Write! Just Speak!": Towards a Media-Archaeology of Voice Mail
Postdoctoral Fellow (2017–2019)
Signal, Symbol, Measure, Model: Acoustic Processing and Computational Knowledge
Visiting Scholar (2017)
Great Wall of China—Research on Relations between Historical Message and Spatial Location
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2017)
Synchronizing Sounded Communities: Acoustical Practices in the Minute’s Silence and Early Radio Theory
Visiting Scholar (2017)
Promoting Techniques in Confucian Statecraft: Pak Chega’s “Technology Policy” in Late Eighteenth-Century Korea
Postdoctoral Fellow (2022–2024)
Validating Quantitative Constructs Before the Rise of Construct Validation: Historical and Epistemological Dimensions
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2022)
Reclaiming Turtles All the Way Down (RTAWD): Animal Cosmologies and Paths to Indigenous Sciences
Visiting Scholar (2022)
The Global War Against the Rat and the Epistemic Emergence of Zoonosis
Visiting Senior Research Fellow (2022–2023)
The Nile and its Major Projects during the Mamluk Period im Rahmen der Working Group: Agriculture and the Making of Sciences (1100-1700) in Abt. III
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2022)
Lunar Diagrams and Representations in Byzantine in Byzantine and Slavonic Manuscripts (9th-15th C), Im Rahmen der Dept. III Arbeitsgruppe "Visualizations and Material Cultures of the Heavens"
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2021)
Sesible Taxonomies Medieval Accounts of Animal Perception
Visiting Student (2017–2019)
The Genesis of the CPT Theorem
Visiting Scholar (2017)
Seizing the Intangible Gestures as Objects of the Human Sciences in the Long Nineteenth Century
Visiting Scholar (2018)
Poetry Bound: On the Notational, the Parenthetical, the Composed
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2018)
From Form to Norm: The Systematization of Values in German Design 192x-195x
Visiting Scholar (2017–2018)
Good Doctors: A Story of Governing and Knowing from Medieval to Modern Europe
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2022)
Hortus Indicus Malabaricus: The “Eurasian” Life of a Seventeenth Century “European” Botanical Classic
Visiting Scholar (2018–2019)
Theatrical Spoken-Word Records in Germany and France, 1950–1970: Repertoire, Production, Distribution, Use
Visiting Scholar (2016–2017)
Authors Voices on Records and Radio, 1889–1932
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2018)
Charting the Weather: a History of Graphical Representations in late 18th–Century Meteorology
Visiting Scholar (2018)
Research on Chinese Tax and Land Registration
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2020)
Albertus Magnus' Approach towards an Empirical Anthropology
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2019)
The Flow of Cognitive Goods: Towards a Post-Disciplinary Perspective on the History of Knowledge
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2023)
Fundamental Physics and Empiricism. The Plausibility of Cosmic Inflation
Visiting Scholar (2017)
Analytic Narratives and the Semantics of Formal Decision Theories
Visiting Scholar (2020)
im Rahmen des Projekts: Measuring the Earth “One of Geometry’s Nicest Application“: Digging the Georg-Tiefer Stollen (1771–1800)
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2021)
Politics and Practices of Time in the Chinese Period of Division (4th - 7th centuries) - (Chronoi): 'Text Reading in the History of Medieval Chinese Harmonics (lü)'
Visiting Scholar (2022)
Medieval Ingenium: Knowledge, Experience, and Technology
Visiting Scholar (2018)
Souls, Science & Socialism. Parapsychology in India and South Africa, 1950-80
Visiting Scholar (2022)
Knowledges in Transit: Linnaeus's Laplandic Journey (1732)
Visiting Scholar (2021)
Dealing with transience during the Sixteen States Period of Early Medieval China
Visiting Scholar (2017–2018)
Ancients and Moderns: A Cultural History of Modern Science in India (1600–2000)
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2022)
Materiality as a Constructed Notion: Bamboo Basket Makers Can Tell the Story ?
Visiting Scholar (2022)
Edmund Whittaker, Arthur Eddington and the Final Theory Program
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2017)
The Steady-State of Cultures. Margaret Mead, Gregory Bateson, and American Anthropology 1930–1950
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2018–2019)
Adopted by the World: China and the Rise of Global Intimacy
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2020–2023)
Agricultural Uses of Alchemy in Early Modern Europe
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2017)
To Reconcile the Irreconcilable: Spatial Tools for Negotiating Environmental Conflicts in Swedish Land-use Planning
Visiting Scholar (2021–2022)
Naturalists and Specimens: A History of Intersubjectivity in the 17th and 18th Centuries
Research Scholar (2015–2024)
Barren Structures: The Problem of Sterility in the Age of Plenty
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2018)
The Scientific Rationality of Early Statistics, 1833–1877
Visiting Scholar (2019)
Prussian Precision: Geopolitics and Measurement from Frederick the Great to the Great War
Postdoctoral Scholar (2023–2024)
From Recipients of Knowledge to Producers: Indigenous Peasants’ Knowledge and Sustainable Farming in Peru (1950-2010)
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2021)
Insects as Knowledge Goods and Global Commodities: Hans Sauter's Formosa Collections
Visiting Scholar (2017)
Volume and Vibration. A Media and Knowledge History of Public Address Systems between Electroacoustics, Politics and Music, Germany circa 1930
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2021)
Entanglements of Ethnographic and Naturalist Knowledge as Epistemic Genres and the ‘Scientific’ Racialization of Indian Food and Agriculture, 16th- 17th c.
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2020)
Investigating the Creation of an Interdisciplinary Research Field Through Bibliographic Data The Case of Agricultural Meteorology in the First Half of the Twentieth Century
Visiting Scholar (2023)
Ecophenomenology and existentialism in the context of climate change
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2017)
Instituting Anthropology: The Circulation of Scientists and Ethnographic Materials between North America, German and Austria, 1883-1933
Visiting Scholar (2019)
Exotic Animals and Domestic Life during America's Long Sexual Revolution
Visiting Scholar (2017)
India’s Urban Futures: Beyond the Scripts of Techno-utopia and Rural Backwardness
Postdoctoral Scholar (2021–2023)
Civilisation and Human/Animal Division in Russian Nineteenth-Century Medical Topographies and Ethnographic Accounts
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2022–2023)
Interpreting Eclipses in Byzantium: Diagrams, Artefacts, and Knowledge Transfer from India to the Eastern Mediterranean (ca. 1000-1500 CE)
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2019)
Knowing the Shadow: The Experiential Dimension of Matter
Visiting Scholar (2019)
Empires of Knowledge: Colonial Patent Systems in the Atlantic World during the Industrial Age
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2023)
"Servants of Science:" The Making and Unmaking of Chimpanzees as Laboratory Animals in the 20th Century
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2019–2021)
Communication with (Extra)Terrestrial Intelligence: Science Diplomacy during the Cold War (1960 - 1976)
Affiliated Scholar (2022)
Epidemic Temporalities: Time and Desease in Medieval Islamic Medicine
Visiting Scholar (2017)
Friedrich Wilhelm Opelt (1794–1863): Proto-digital Music Theory
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2018)
The Rise of the New Mandarins: The Story of the Geistkreis from Vienna to the New-World, 1920-1980
Visiting Scholar (2018)
Nature’s Imprint: Botanical Illustration between Northern Europe and the New World (1550–1750)
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2018)
Doctors of l’Ésprit Nouveau: Human Energetics and the Formation of the French Avantgarde
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2022–2024)
Effective Theories: Past, Present, and Beyond
Visiting Scholar (2018)
Technologies in Use, 1760-1840: Toward a Historical and Historiographical Frame
Visiting Scholar (2020–2022)
Communication in Early Modern Eurasia: Translation, Memory, and Power
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2019–2024)
Symbiotic Worlding: Theories and Practices of Coexistence in Lynn Margulis and Donna Haraway
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2017–2021)
Vertical World: Politics, Nature and Climbing in the Twentieth Century
Visiting Scholar (2017)
The Cybernetic State: Social Science, Information Technology, and American Government, 1955-1985
Visiting Scholar (2021–2022)
The Great Battle of Cartesianisms. How Cartesians tried to Conquer the French Public with Natural Philosophy (1637-1691)
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2023–2024)
Rare Earth: Gemstones, Geohistories, and Commercial Geography Between Southeast Asia and Europe, c. 1600-1750
Postdoctoral Fellow (2021–2023)
The Mongols and Mamluk Agricultural Manuals (kutub al-filāḥa)? Understanding the Circulation of Agricultural Knowledge between East and West Asia
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2022)
Congenital Anomalies in Medieval French Romance and Medicine
Affiliated Scholar (2022)
Chinese Domestic Debates on Sino-Russian Relations Following the War in Ukraine
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2020)
Judgments of Similarity and Idealizations in Geodetical Practices
Visiting Scholar (2018–2019)
Women and Birth in Transition: The Politics and Ethics of Childbirth Medicalization in Reform Era China
Research Scholar (2020–2023)
Chinese Ideas of Africa in an Age of Global Expansion
Affiliated Scholar (2022–2023)
Doormen and other intermediaries in Ming (1368-1644) society, history, law, and culture
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2019)
Inventing the Decibel: An Episode in the History of Sonic Thinking
Senior Research Scholar, Group Leader (2012–2018)
A Natural History of Data; Extinction and the Value of Diversity
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2017–2018)
Experts of Memory: Chanting as a Method and Verification of Learning in Tang Dynasty China
Visiting Scholar (2022)
Of the Astral Divinities and Heavens in South, Central, and East Asia
Postdoctoral Fellow (2017–2019)
Public Health, Modern Agriculture, and Wars Against Insect Enemies: Pest Control and the Making of Applied Entomology in Modern China, 1915-1960
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2021)
The Tension of Fashion: Oriental silks and Italian Art in the 14th Century
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2022)
Underground Water Explorations in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire
Visiting Scholar (2018)
Mineral Building Materials in China. Rediscovering the Built Environments in the Large Datasets of Difangzhi, 10th–20th Centuries
Visiting Scholar (2018)
Experiment, Gestural Knowledge, and Scientific Change in the Age of Precision
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2023–2024)
The Other Ancient Egypt. Writing Histories in the Sciences and Humanities of Deep Time, 1800-1920
Visiting Scholar (2017)
Seas of Fire—Earthquakes, Disasters, and Japan in the Twentieth Century
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2017)
Reading as Listening: The Birth of Cultural Acoustics 1764-1803
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2021–2022)
Candido Baptista De Oliveira and the “Memória Sobre O Estabelecimento De Observatório No Rio De Janeiro”: The First Step to Introduce Institutionalization of Astronomy in the Brazilian Empire (1824-1846)
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2017–2018)
The Science of Learning, the Practice of Education: A History of 'Anschauungspädagogik', ca. 1806-1871
Visiting Scholar (2018)
Slight, Description and Knowledge in Imagines of the Elder Philostratus
Postdoctoral Fellow (2017)
Charting Interior and Exterior Worlds: Towards a Social Geography of Medieval Chinese Healthcare
Visiting Scholar (2018)
Islam through American Eyes: The Life and Culture of Clifford Geertz
Visiting Scholar (2019)
Tuning Time: Sequences from the History of Time Stretching and Pitch Shifting
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2018–2019)
Deposing the Demon: Jan Baptista van Helmont and the Authority of Magic in Early Modern Medicine
Visiting Scholar (2018–2019)
Local Identity and State along the Grand Canal: Transforming Agrarian Societies in the Northern Grand Canal Region, 1289–1855
Postdoctoral Fellow (2024)
Chinese Climate Knowledge in Local Agricultural Practice: A Study on Yueling and Qihou Discourse in Agriculture Books and Local Gazetteers
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2021)
The Energetics of the “Muscle Machine”: From Isolated Muscle to Proteins, Fibers, and Filaments
Postdoctoral Fellow (2022–2023)
Breeding Against Extinction: Knowledges and Practices of Species Conservation in Interwar Poland
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2017)
Feeding Germany: Nutrition and the German Countryside, 1871–1923
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2018)
The Epistemic Virtues of Humanities and Science in Nineteenth–Century Germany: A Comparative Approach
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2018)
Radio-Activities: The Architecture of Broadcasting in Cold War Berlin
Visiting Scholar (2019)
Sound Effects: Technicians and the Talkies in the American Film Industry, 1925-1933
Research Scholar (2014–2017)
Science in Context, the Max Planck Society, its Social History and its Relations to the Public
Postdoctoral Fellow (2019–2020)
DFG-Project: Mediterranean and Nautical Cartography in Arabic and Ottoman Turkish: Islands or Gateways of Knowledge in the Sea of Transcultural and Translinguistic Translation Processes?
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2017)
La Falsa Alchimia de la Quale Tanta Stima già ne Feci: Lomazzo’s Thought on Alchemy
Visiting Scholar (2017)
The Circulation of Invention: Roger Bacon’s Theory of Technology in Early Modern
Visiting Scholar (2017)
The Earth Under Surveillance (TEUS)—Geophysics, Climate Change and the Cold War Legacy
Visiting Scholar (2017)
Iberian Engineering and History of Science during the Cold War: Ruptures and Continuities between Fascist and Democratic Regimes
Visiting Scholar (2018)
Guildhalls as Hybrid Socio–Religious Spaces and as Part of a Network of Religious Spaces
Visiting Scholar (2016–2017)
Planning a Colonial Cultural Economy: Arts and Crafts in the Belgian Congo
Predoctoral Fellow (2020–2021)
Collecting Ears: Marin Mersenne and the Study of Music in Early Modern Europe
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2017)
Chemical Desires (1850-1929): Making the Architectural Materials of Modernity
Visiting Scholar (2019)
Theory as "A Plan"—Asking about the Effects of Zeno’s Dichotomy Paradox in Analytic Work
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2018)
Evolution in Times of Revolution: Darwinism, Nature, and Society in the Soviet Union
Affiliated Scholar (2022)
Putting knowledge to practice: ‘reading "agricultural" terraces in medieval Palestine
Visiting Scholar (2016–2017)
Concessions of Interest and Struggles for Rights versus Technology Dependence: A Case Study of Jinpu Railway 1908-1937
Senior Research Fellow (2024)
Science and State Power: Histories for an Anthropogenic Age
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2018–2019)
Translating Experience: The Transmission of Arabo-Persian Theories on Body and Soul to China, 14th–18th Centuries
Visiting Scholar (2023)
Moving mountains: earth matters between terrestrial and social scales
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2017–2018)
Narratives of Transformation: The Globalization of Indigenous Knowledge
Visiting Scholar (2019)
Futility and Transcendence: A Study of Kant’s Critical Philosophy
Visiting Scholar (2019)
Gardens of Steam: Projecting Industrial Culture into the Berlin Landscape
Visiting Scholar (2019)
Gardens of Steam: Projecting Industrial Culture into the Berlin Landscape
Visiting Scholar (2019)
Acoustics, Sound Technologies and Music in Early 20th Century India
Visiting Scholar (2018)
Music of Metallurgy: Bell-Founding Metal for Musical Instruments
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2021)
China's Engagement in European Research, Innovation and Higher Education
Postdoctoral Scholar (2022–2024)
Validating Laboratory Diagnostics in Medical Parasitology: Morphological and Molecularized Approaches Between Clinical, Epistemic, and Political Interests
Affiliated Scholar (2022)
Western Learning in the fenye chapters of Qing dynasty local gazetteers
Visiting Scholar (2016–2017)
Justifying the Existence of the Higgs Boson: The Logic of a "Five Sigma" Discovery
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2017)
"Mount South"—History and Theory of City Planning in China, especially the Relationship between City and Natural Environment in Ancient China
Research Scholar (2018–2024)
Reaping the Benefits of Water - The Political Epistemologies of Water in Imperial China.
Visiting Scholar (2018–2019)
Geological Knowledge and the Making of Modern East Asia: A Transnational History of Petroleum Explorations in Manchuria
Predoctoral Fellow (2020–2021)
Computer-aided Approaches to Study of the Japanese Buddhist World Maps of the 14th to 19th Century
Affiliated Scholar (2021–2022)
A Study on the Commercial General Maps in the Late Qing Dynasty
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2020)
Trust and Perspectivalism in the History of Epistemology
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2022)
The "Persian Wheel" and its Impact in 16th to 18th Century India
Research Scholar (2018–2020)
Empire, Nature and Pharmacology in the Ottoman World, 1400-1800
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2018–2020)
Economics as a Coordination Tool. Investment Planning in Électricité de France, from the Nationalisation (1946) to the 1970s
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2017–2018)
Ontogeny of the Will and the Sciences of Child Development in Germany, 1750–1870
Visiting Scholar (2019)
Tangut Astrology Workshop Title:The Cosmic Board Divination in Medieval China: Integrated Studies on the Manuscript of Divination Book
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (2021–2023)
China's Artificial Intelligence Imaginaries and Policy Development
Visiting Scholar (2018)
The Changing Cosmology and Knowledge of the Tiger lands in Buddhist Asia
Visiting Scholar (2017)
Structural Analysis and Style Observation of Chinese Local Gazetteers
Visiting Scholar (2021–2022)
Coping Mechanisms and Food Insecurity: A Historical Approach to Health in Extremis
Visiting Scholar (2019)
The Art of Judgement: Logistical Modernity—Flows, Forms, and Spaces