Overview Level of Folio 174 r

Size Height 298 mm, width 199 mm.
Watermark Crown, form 1. Drake's identification: Watermark type C1. Drake's description: Mountains 20 X 17mm.
Comments Written by Galileo; contains tables, short texts, tables, calculations.
References Drake 1978 88, 96-97
Folio 174 r (final text)
1A linea ab ad ac.
1B tempus ba ad ac.
1C ut tempus per ab ad tempus per ag, ita linea ab ad lineam ar; ergo, dividendo, ut tempus per bc ad tempus per ag, ita linea br ad rg.
1D ut tempus da {118} ad tempus ab {60}, ita linea da ad lineam ab.
2 tempus ad 118; tempus per ac 95; tempus ed 23.
C01 158 * 101 = 158 + 158[00] = 15958
sqrt 15958 = 126
C02 23 + 42 = 65
af 42 tempus 53
fg 23 23
53 + 23 = 76
C04 54 + 23 = 77
C05 longitudine 39
tempo ac 48
tempo cb 12
scx 158 158
ex 101 126
cs 57 32
af 42 tempus 53
fg 23 23

53 + 23 = 76
longitudine ab 60 tempus 60
ac 39 49
cb 21 11
ag 66 66
af 43 54
fg 23 12
ad 118 118
ac 76 97
fs ad 42 23
as 80 80
ar 52 65
rs 28 15
C08 42_21 1/2

Overview Level of Folio 174 r