Overview Level of Folio 148 r

Size Height 305 mm, width 207 mm.
Watermark Crown, form 1. Drake's identification: Watermark type C18. Drake's description: Missing in his table, probably equal to 18, Mountains 16 X 16mm.
Comments Written by Galileo; contains drawings, short text, calculations, table. Relation to the Discorsi: work on 2/36-th-22.
References Drake 1978 124, 483
Folio 148 r (final text)
1 Sit qp tempus per ac et ut ac ad cd ita fiat pq ad qr erit qr tempus per dc seu per bc. Sit ut cd ad do ita rq ad qs erit qs tempus per df et sr tempus per fc post df. Fiat rursus ut ca ad av ita tempus pq ad qt erit qt tempus per ab tp vero tempus per bc post ab.
C01 85 * 85 = 7225
7225 : 46 1/2 = 14450 : 93
14450 : 93 = 155
C02 155 1/3 * 109 = 1395 + 15536 = 16931
sqrt 16931 = 130
C03 85 * 35 1/2 = 425 + 2552 + 4[0] = 3017
sqrt 3017 = 54
C04 (46 1/2 * 85) : 111
46 1/2 * 85 = 230 + 3682 + 4[0] = 3952
3952 : 111 = 35
C05 85
55 + 25 1/2 = 80 1/2
C06 s?d 111
dg 120
cd 85
db 46 1/2?
ca 155 1/3
ab 109
ua 130
bu 21
cu 25 1/2
fd 35 1/2
fc 49 1/2
do 55
fo 19 1/2
oc 30
qp219 1/3
qs77 2/3
sr42 1/3
qt183 1/2
tempus per dc120
per dbc113 2/3

Overview Level of Folio 148 r