Overview Level of Folio 144 r

Size Height 234 mm, width 202 mm.
Watermark Crossbow, form 2. Drake's identification: Watermark type 17. Drake's description: Large crossbow 57 X 36mm. Date of earliest letter with this watermark is February 1609.
Comments Written by Galileo; contains texts, drawings. Relation to the Discorsi: work on 2/35-pr-14.
References Wisan 1974 231-232, 249-250; Drake 1978 497
Folio 144 r (final text)
1A Tempus per ab, ab; tempus per be ex a, bf, posita df media inter ed, db; ergo tempora per abe erunt abf.
1B Ponatur media inter eb, bd ipsa bh; erit bh tempus be ex b: oportet igitur facere ut bh sit aequalis [dua]bus abf, hoc est ut ab sit aequalis ipsi fh.
2A Factum sit ut tempus per 2 abe sit aequale tempori per solam be. Divisa de bifariam, semicirculus describatur, et ducatur perpendicularis bn, et iungatur dn: erit din [dn] media inter ed, db, et bn inter ebd. Et existente ab tempore per ab, et db per db, secetur df aequalis dn; erit bf tempus per be post db, seu ab: unde tempus per 2 abe erit abf; tempus vero per be ex b erit bn, cum sit media inter db, be: ergo bn aequatur [dua]bus abf.
2B Posita communi bd, erunt 3 db, bf, ba, hoc est 2 dn, ba, aequales [dua]bus nb, bd. Et ablatis aequalibus db, dr et bs, ba, reliqua rn reliquae ns erit aequalis.

Overview Level of Folio 144 r