Overview Level of Folio 101 v

Size Height 193 mm, width 135 mm.
Watermark Pilgrim. Drake's identification: Watermark type 25. Drake's description: Siren in 39mm circle, crown above. Watermark found in 1632.
Comments Contains calculations. Relation to the Discorsi: related to 3/13-pr-06.
Folio 101 v (final text)
C01 Gr. 32
8989 = 4499 + 4500
4499 * 4500 = 2249500 + 17996[000] = 20245500
25[000000] - 20245500 = 4754500
sqrt 4754500 = 2180
5000 - 2180 = 2820
C02 G 33
9136 = 4568 + 4568
4568 * 4568 = 36544 + 27408[0] + 22840[00] + 18272[000] = 20866624
25[000000] - 20866624 = 4133376
sqrt 4133376 = 2033
5000 - 2033 = 2967
C03 sqrt 4133376 = 2033
5000 - 2033 = 2967
C04 8989 = 4494 + 4495
4494 * 4495 = 22470 + 40446[0] + 17976[00] + 17976[000] = 20200530
25[000000] - 20200530 = 4799470
sqrt 4799470 = 2191
C05 8659 = 4329 + 4330
4329 * 4330 = 129870 + 12987[00] + 17316[000] = 18644570
25[000000] - 18644570 = 6355430
sqrt 6355430 = 2521
C06 Gr. 71
6157 = 3079 + 3078
3079 * 3078 = 24632 + 21553[0] + 9237[000] = 9684167
25[000000] - 9684167 = 15315833
3079 * 3078 = 24632 + 21553[0] + 9237[000] = 9477162
25[000000] - 9477162 = 15522838
sqrt 15522838 = 3939
C07 sqrt 17977500 = 4239
C08 sqrt 8642020 = 2939
5000 - 2939 = 1061
C09 25[000000] - 6250000 = 18750000
sqrt 18750000 = 4330
5000 - 4330 = 670
C10 2501 * 2501 = 2501 + 1250529 + 50024[00] = 6255430
C11 sqrt 5512190 = 2347
5000 - 2347 = 2653
C12 2344 * 2344 = 9376 + 9376[0] + 7032[00] + 4688[000] = 5494336

Overview Level of Folio 101 v