
Peter Damerow is Co-Editor of the series Materialien zu den frühen Schriftzeugnissen des Vorderen Orients (MSVO).

Lorraine Daston is Advisory Editor to the Ideas in Context Series of Cambridge University Press, and Consulting Editor to Science in Context of Cambridge University Press, furthermore she is Member of the Editorial Board of the Revue d’Histoire des Sciences Humaines.

Michael Hagner is Member of the Editorial Boards of the Revue d’Histoire des Sciences Humaines and of the Sociology of the Sciences Yearbook. He is Section Editor of the Journal for the History of the Neurosciences and Co-Editor of the book series Wissenschaftsgeschichte (Wallstein Verlag).

Dieter Hoffmann is Member of the Editorial Board of Physics in Perspective.

Ursula Klein is member of the editorial board of Ambix.

Wolfgang Küttler is Member of the Editorial Boards of the Sitzungsberichte der Leibniz-Sozietät Berlin, of the journal Comparativ (Leipzig) and of the Historisch-Kritisches Wörterbuch des Marxismus.

Andrew Mendelsohn is Advisory Editor to Isis.

Jürgen Renn is Co-Editor of the Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, of Science in Context, and is Member of the Editorial Boards of Living Reviews in Relativity, Archimedes, Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics.

Hans-Jörg Rheinberger is Member of the Editorial Boards of the Journal of the History of Biology (until 2001), of the Sociology of the Sciences Yearbook, and of History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, furthermore he is Consulting Editor to the Studies in History and Philosophy of the Biological and Biomedical Sciences, and the Jahrbuch für Geschichte und Theorie der Biologie, and he is member of the Advisory Board of the International Journal of History and Ethics of Natural Sciences, Technology and Medicine (NTM).

Urs Schoepflin is Editorial Adviser to Scientometrics.

Emma Chartreuse Spary is Advisory Editor of Studies in History and Philosophy of Science and of Endeavour, Elsevier Press.

Fernando Vidal is consulting editor of the journals Revue d’Histoire des Sciences Humaines, History of Psychology, Cuadernos argentinos de historia de la psicología, From Past to Future. Clark University Papers on the History of Psychology, Studi di psicologia dell’educazione.