Overview Level of Folio 192 r

Size Height 307 mm, width 205 mm.
Watermark Crossbow, form 1. Drake's identification: Watermark type 6. Drake's description: Thin crossbow 40 X 30mm.
Comments Contains calculations, minimal texts.
References Drake 1978 483
Folio 192 r (final text)
1 tempus per gx
2 tempus per ed 54119
tempus per cgx
4 tempus per eg 83801
C01 tempus per gc 38756
tempus per eg 83801
tempus ambas egc 122557
38756 + 83801 = 122557
C02 54119 * 76536 = 324714 + 162357[0] + 270595[00] + 324714[000] + 378833[0000] = 4142031784
4142031784 : 29289 = 141419
C03 sqrt 2267700000 = 46558
C04 (tempus 46558 * 39017) : ga 21677
46558 * 39017 = 325906 + 46558[0] + 419022[000] + 139674[0000] = 1816574486
1816574486 : 21677 = 838[01]
1816574486 : 21677 = 83801
C05 150127 * 54119 = 1351143 + 150127[0] + 150127[00] + 700508[000] + 750635[0000] = 8124723113
8124723113 : 29289 = 277398
C06 29289 * 39017 = 205023 + 29289[0] + 263601[000] + 87867[0000] = 1142768913
1142768913 : 17612 = 150127
C07 [29289 * 100000 = 2928900000] sqrt 2928900000 = 54119
C08 tempus per cgx 277398
tempus per gx 238642
277398 - 238642 = 38756 per gc
C09 46558 * 111110 = 465580 + 46558[00] + 46558[000] + 46558[0000] + 46558[00000] = 5173054380
5173054380 : 21677 = 238642
C11 1/2
tempus per eg 83801

Overview Level of Folio 192 r