Overview Level of Folio 156 r

Size Height 302 mm, width 205 mm.
Watermark Two watermarks. Crown, form 1. Thin crossbow. Drake's identification: Watermark type C14. Drake's description: Mountains 17 X 20mm. Date of earliest letter with this watermark is May 1608.
Comments The folio is part of a larger sheet of paper combining the folios 156 and 157 . Contains calculations, drawings, minimal text.
Folio 156 r (final text)
C01 media inter ga au
184776 * 153072 = 369552 + 1293432[0] + 554328[000] + 923880[0000] + 184776[00000] = 28284031872
sqrt 28284031872 = 168178
C02 182576 * 2 = 365142
sqrt 36514200000 = 191087
C03 (191087 * 141422) : 200000
191087 * 141422 = 382174 + 382174[0] + 764348[00] + 191087[000] + 764348[0000] + 191087[00000] = 27023905714
27023905714 : 200000 = 135118
C04 16598 * 2[00000] = 3319600000
3319600000 : 184776 = 17424

Overview Level of Folio 156 r