Overview Level of Folio 151 r

Size Height 160 mm, width 209 mm.
Watermark Little star encircled with crown. Drake's identification: Watermark type 3. Drake's description: Mountains below cartwheel 30mm; overall height 53mm.
Comments Written by Galileo; contains drawings, text, tables. Relation to the Discorsi: elaboration of 2/06-th-06.
References Wisan 1974 163-165; Caverni 1972 345; Damerow et al. 1992 150 footnote, 179 footnote, 334; Galluzzi 1979 266-267; Drake 1987 42
Folio 151 r (final text)
1A Sit gd erecta ad orizontem, df vero inclinata: dico, eodem tempore fieri motum ex g in d et ex f in d.
1B Momentum enim super fd est idem ac super contingente in e, quae ipsi fd esset parallela; ergo momentum super fd ad totale momentum erit ut ca ad ab, idest ae. Verum ut ca ad ae, ita id ad da, et dupla fd ad duplam dg; ergo momentum super fd ad totale momentum, scilicet per gd, est ut fd ad gd: ergo eodem tempore fiet motus per fd et gd.
tempus tempus tempus
per dc dg dgc
ut linea dc ad dg ad sesqualiter dg
tempus tempus tempus
per bc bl per blc
bc bl ad sesqualiter bl

Overview Level of Folio 151 r