Overview Level of Folio 089br

Size Height 98 mm, width 206 mm.
Watermark Crown, form 1. Drake's identification: Watermark type C12. Drake's description: Mountains 18 X 18mm. Date of earliest letter with this watermark is August 1607.
Comments Written by Galileo; contains short texts.
Folio 89b r (final text)
1 tempus casus per ac ad tempus per af est ut linea ca ad at, et, dividendo, ut tempus per cf ad tempus per fa, ita linea ct ad ta.
2 Sed tempus per fa ad tempus per ag est ut linea ta ad ar; tempus autem per ag at [ad] tempus per ab est ut linea ar ad ab, et, dividendo, tempus per ag ad tempus gb ut linea ar [ad] rb.

Overview Level of Folio 089br