Discorsi Propositions
Discorsi Proposition

Attendere insuper licet, quod velocitatis gradus, quicunque in mobili reperiatur, est in illo suapte natura indelebiliter impressus, dum externae causae accelerationis aut retardationis tollantur, quod in solo horizontali {20} plano contingit; Furthermore we may remark that any velocity once imparted to a moving body will be rigidly maintained as long as the external causes of acceleration or retardation are removed, a condition which is found only on horizontal planes;
nam in planis declivibus adest iam causa accelerationis maioris, in acclivibus vero retardationis: ex quo pariter sequitur, motum in horizontali esse quoque aeternum; si enim est aequabilis, non debilitatur aut remittitur, et multo minus tollitur.for in the case of planes which slope downwards there is already present a cause of acceleration, while on planes sloping upward there is retardation; from this it follows that motion along a horizontal plane is perpetual; for, if the velocity be uniform, it cannot be diminished or slackened, much less destroyed.

Discorsi Propositions
Discorsi Proposition